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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.

Who do I want to be? What career is right for me? Should I just do what people tell me to do?

These are all questions that college students feel from time to time. College years are full of exploration, self-discovery, and connecting. However, they are also full of pressure to choose your career, the stress of looming deadlines, and the worry of not meeting expectations. Do any of these negative feelings hit home? Keep reading!

Maybe you know exactly who you want to be, and even what career is right for you. Maybe you have overcome the pressure to fit the mold. Want to step up your self-development to the next level? Keep reading!

No matter who you are, or what you want to be, this precious life is yours—and it is time you started acting like it. You deserve to feel grounded in who you are. You have earned this path that you are on. You are capable of being an unstoppable force—on a mission to fulfill your destiny! Here are some simple ways to start living in your destiny today.

Let go of what you cannot control.

It’s time to let go of trying to control things out of your grasp. Hear me out—if you could control them, you wouldn’t be stressed out—because you could fix the problem! But you cannot fix them. Worrying over something will never change the situation, but it will change your disposition and mood in a negative way. Focus on the things you can control, and let go of the ones you cannot. Find peace knowing that if you could control the other things, you would!

Take charge of your time.

The early 2000’s slogan “YOLO” was fun to throw around, but it really has it all wrong. You only die once, not live once! Every moment you take a breath, you are living. Every day is a new chance to live. You live every single second of your life.

Start taking charge of the time you have. Each moment is precious—and deserves to be used wisely. I personally use a planner to organize my days so I can fit in time to do what makes me feel in charge. Schedule your day to optimize productivity—as well as your time. Dedicate time each day to better your mind, body, and spirit. Don’t fall into being a slave to time—plan your day and make sure you are owning every second of life that you can.

Choose what serves you.

Pick things in your life that serve you (benefit and help you), but more importantly, let go of what no longer does. Going through your clothes and purging your wardrobe feels amazing because you let go of what isn’t benefiting you any longer. Holding onto the things that drag you down clouds your mind and keeps you from growing. Stop thinking that you have failed when you outgrow relationships. Stop beating yourself up if you are no longer happy in your job. Shift your perspective. All of these things used to serve a purpose in your life. They do not any longer. Let them go so you can find what is meant for you at this moment.

Have your own back.

This phrase is from Maya Angelou, emphasizing the importance of self-reliance. Becoming unstoppable is all about holding yourself accountable, and picking yourself up when you fall. Not everyone is going to like you—and that is okay! It is your job to speak up for yourself. It is your job to get help when you need it. It is your job to love yourself unconditionally. Understand that no one can give you what you can give to yourself; that is your power!

The most important relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself. YOU are your home. Start realizing that self-love is all about seeing your worth, and knowing that you are the only one who defines it.

I am an undergraduate Psychology major minoring in Philosophy. I will be graduating in December 2020, and starting my Master's degree in the spring 2021 semester studying Clinical Mental Health Counseling. I am an avid lover of the outdoors, coffee, and deep conversations!