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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.



I think it’s safe to say that the “Self-Help” trend is alive and well━everybody and their mother is reading the books that fall into this genre, from Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life to Jen Sincero’s You Are a Badass and Tim Ferriss’ The 4-Hour Work Week.

But what about those out there that don’t like to read? Or that do like to read but just don’t have the time? Are we going to leave them out and not let them grow? After all it is called self-help, right?


No we can’t just leave those that simply can’t be bothered with books out to dry. Today, I bring you a list of six of my favorite self-improvement Youtubers━a cheat-sheet to allow you to hop on the self-help train if you will.

1. Erin May Henry

Erin has her own business mentoring women that want to be their own bosses. She strives to help women build their dream lives, and she’s all about being a girl boss and growing yourself and your own personal brand. Erin covers topics that include starting a business, personal growth, branding, self-confidence, productivity, and even manifestation. Her channel is perfect for those of you that have an inner entrepreneur in need of some guidance.

2. Sam Ozkural

Sam’s channel is all about living a healthy life. Her videos are focused on fitness and building healthy habits. Other topics in her videos include the law of attraction, self-care, weight loss, and how she incorporates these into her morning and night routines. Sam’s channel is a great place if you not only want to work on what you got going on inside, but what you got going on outside as well.

3. Muchelleb

On Muchelle B.’s channel you’ll find her talking about all things self-discovery, self-care, self-love, living simply and intentionally, breaking bad habits, learning new things, productivity, and organization. I highly suggest her channel if you’re looking to start a self-growth journey. Muchelle’s videos are straight to the point and would be especially ideal for anyone that doesn’t have a whole lot of time in their schedule, because most of her videos can be watched in 8 minutes or less.

4. Lavendaire

Aileen’s (aka Lavendaire) channel is all about personal growth. She shares knowledge and inspiration about creating your dream life. Her videos are for those that are open-minded and want to know more about the law of attraction and manifestation. Other topics included in her videos are self-care, healthy habits, finding your passion and purpose, as well as productivity. An excellent place to start if you’re really want to do some self-discovery is her ‘Feeling Lost? Start Here’ playlist.

5. Rachelleea

Rachel-Lee Anderson (aka Rachelleea) is an Australian YouTuber who is all about getting your life together through organization and motivation.  She really emphasizes self-motivation to live a happy, balanced life. Her videos’ content includes tips and inspiration to help you organize your home and work/school life by sharing her morning, nightly, and weekly routines. If you’re person with a Type-A personality you’ll love her videos all about getting your life together.

6. Kalyn Nicholson

Kalyn is a YouTuber from Canada that gives off major big sister vibes. Her videos are pretty casual chats about all things from zodiac signs to how to adult. While her videos are on the longer side, I think they’d be perfect for those that want a less instructional video and one that is more on the, “let’s be real and struggle through this together” type. Kalyn is all about wellness and living your best life with confidence. I highly recommend looking into her ongoing ‘How to Adult/Adulting 101’ series to dive right in with some tough love.


While these ladies all have some overlap in the sense that they all make content to help you work towards living your best life, each of them has an area they focus on a bit more. So start small, or watch them all━find what speaks to you the most, whether that’s only one of these channels or all the videos that cover the one topic you’re interested in from each channel.

Sydney is a senior majoring in Sociology with a minor in Psychology. She's an avid Youtube watcher and Netflix binger. Sydney's a lover of YA fiction, especially dystopian series, and she can often be found around campus, with earphones in, listening to an audiobook. As someone that is forever getting lost in books, she thought it was time to share her own stories and opinions.
Lauren is currently a senior at UTSA who is obsessed with anything involving music and pop culture. She is one of the Campus Correspondents for HC UTSA, and is in charge of social media and editing. You can catch her traveling across the country for concerts, eating Whataburger fries, or constantly scrolling through her social media feeds.