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books on brown wooden shelf
Susan Yin/Unsplash

5 Stages of Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.

In the midst of finals, there are 5 stages a student tends to go through before, throughout and after finals. Summer is just around the corner and students are just anxious to be done with this semester.

1.     Pre-finals (Two Weeks Prior)

The small time period you have convinced yourself that you have a shot of getting ahead of schedule in studying. That dedication, determination and feeling of adrenaline you feel in hopes of avoiding that same procrastination you get at the end of every semester. 

2.     Netflix Stage

You start watching a new show on Netflix because you have convinced yourself that you can manage to do both at once. 

3. But then you get randomly motivated to study.

The realization that finals are approaching start to finally sink in.

4.  The thought you are running out of time and still have no idea what you are studying.

This meme sums up your feelings you have towards all of the material you have spent countless amount of hours studying. On the other hand, you are exhausted from attempting to learning an entire semester’s worth of material in a week. Oh, and all of that times 4 other classes.

5.  That victorious feeling you get when you realize you have finished that last exam and you are finally done with the semester. 

Hello, I'm Caitlin Brazil! I'm 23 years old and I've been writing since I was 13 years old. My specialties include fiction, poetry, article writing, and have dabbled in blogging. In the past, I've written for the major college website "College is My Life." My interests and passions include writing, reading, dance, makeup, and psychology.
Socialite, blogger, perfectionist; suffering from fomo and currently attending the University of Texas at Austin. Advertising major and member of Zeta Tau Alpha fraternity.