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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.


Part of the reason people don’t meal prep is because it seems to be such a hassle. If I was really going to dedicate myself to this, I had to make it manageable for myself — and I did just that.

1. Get Durable Tupperware

I bought a 16 piece food storage set by Sistema because I’ve always loved them, but there are several options! You don’t need 16 pieces, but 4-5 of the containers will help.


2. Make a Grocery List

Making a list of what meals you want to make highlights all the ingredients that overlap. For example, I use a lot of spinach, so I can make plenty of things with it. It also gives you the chance to stop buying the unhealthy things! Just remember, take manageable steps.


3. Make a similar dinner

I don’t enjoy eating the same thing every single day for a week. So I’ll make dinner for two, and then save the extra portion for lunch the next day. One of my favorites is making chicken alfredo for dinner, and then adding spinach and bell peppers the next day for lunch.



4. Eat Things You Actually Like

The biggest reason people fail at diets, or trying to build new habits, is because they quit everything at once. Your body and routine are used to certain things. The key is to cut back more and more over time until your body simply doesn’t crave it.


5. Remember Why You’re Doing It

I made a motivation board on Pinterest that I scroll through every so often. Don’t meal prep to follow a fad, do it because you know you’re going to feel healthier! Do it because it’s another small step you’re taking towards a better version of the amazing person you already are. And finally, have fun with it. Pick up some cooking classes, or simply teach yourself, I promise you’ll learn more than just how to cook!


Esmeralda is a senior Marketing and Tourism major at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Her major interests include anything to do with food, organization and the outdoors. She usually buys more books than she can read, drinks too much coffee for her own good, and is a grilled cheese enthusiast. You can find her giving UTSA campus tours or actively getting her life together one calendar update at a time.