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5 Tips On How To Keep Your New Years Resolution

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTRGV chapter.

Having just welcomed in a new year, many of us have made a New Year’s resolution and set forth new goals to achieve in 2017. Every year I make a resolution, but I typically lose sight of it before the month of January ends. As I reflected back on 2016 I saw a lot of personal growth and accomplishments; but despite that, I noticed that I failed to accomplish the resolutions that I had set. I decided that 2017 will be a year of expansion. I will strive to expand all aspects of my life this year to continue to grow. So I came up with some tips on how you and I can keep, and fulfill, our resolutions.


1.     Leave the disappointments of 2016 in 2016.

Whether you accomplished all that you set out to do in 2016 or not, we’re now at the start of a new year… so focus on that. Don’t beat yourself up about all the things you didn’t do last year and instead extend yourself some grace. If you dwell too much on what you could have done or what you should have done, the things you want to do now aren’t given the focus they need in order to be achieved.


2.     Keep it realistic.

Set goals for yourself that are realistic, but don’t limit yourself either. Be honest when you’re setting these goals, and think of the commitment that it will take to accomplish them. Is the commitment worth it to you? If it is, go for it; if not, reevaluate what you truly want to get out of 2017. Baby steps lead to bigger steps, so make short and long term goals. Challenge yourself!


3.     Write it down!

Something unique happens when you put pen to paper. Don’t just say what you want to do, do it! By writing down your resolution you’ll develop a sense of ownership that will make you go after it that much more. Coming up with a plan on how you’re going to make it happen is vital! Write down small steps that you can take on a daily basis that will eventually lead you to accomplish your goal. Plus, having a physical reminder you need to look at everyday will help you stay on track and hold yourself accountable.


4.     Stay motivated.

It’s so easy to for us to get distracted and forget what we said we would do. Remember why you set a resolution or developed your goals in the first place. Think about how rewarding it will feel when you look back at 2017 and say that you accomplished your resolution! Who knows? The accomplishment of one resolution could lead you to the creation of another!


5.     Find an accountability partner.

Find a friend or family member that has made a similar resolution to you and hold each other accountable. If both your resolutions are to go to the gym more, go to the gym together. Having someone there to motivate you will keep your focus on your goals and will keep you moving forward.


Let us know what your New Year’s resolutions are in the comments below!



Victoria De Leon is a senior at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley and is pursuing a bachelor's degree in Marketing. She plans to pursue a career in the fashion industry as a buyer. Fashion has always been something that she loves and is deeply passionate about. One of Victoria's goals in life is to inspire women to dream big and go after those dreams. She wants to be an inspiration to all the women who grew up in a small town that anything you set your mind to is possible.