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Stop and Smell the Roses

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTM chapter.

As I’m approaching my final semester in college, I’m starting to realize how much I actually will miss the little town of Martin, TN. Of course, I won’t miss the classes, homework or studying, but I’ll miss the friends I’ve made and the experiences. You see, at least once every day I find myself wishing that I could just be done. I wish I could be done with this assignment, this week, this semester and this whole school year. Truthfully, though, I’m beginning to see that I should have just enjoyed my time here as a student instead of wishing it all away. As I look back on the past three years, I’m filled with happiness and a little sadness. However, I’m sure that I’m not the only person who feels this way right now.

I remember being in high school and constantly wishing I could just graduate. I was so ready to be out of that school and on to something new that I didn’t take the time to enjoy the experiences. When senior year rolled around, it hit me. This was my last chance to be with the people I’d spent the past thirteen years getting to know. This was my last year in the greatest organization I was ever a part of, FFA. As soon as I came to this realization, I immediately started to wish that I could slow time. I know, it sounds crazy. When graduation rolled around, I felt lost. I wasn’t sure what to do or how to feel. I had a plan to go to college, of course, but what was I supposed to do over the summer? How was I supposed to prepare to go to a completely different world and start a new chapter of my life? Now, here I am getting ready to graduate in May, and I find myself with the same empty and lost feeling I had as I was preparing to leave the safety of my little high school. I’ve been thinking lately that I should just enjoy the time I have left here. It’s time I stop and smell the roses.

Senior year, whether it be high school or college, is a bitter-sweet time. However, knowing you’ve made the most of your time as a student over the past few years helps a little. Everyone has a different experience, but what matters is that we all make the best of it. This can be by joining organizations, participating in community service, meeting new people, trying a new type of class or doing anything you feel will enhance your experience while in school. After all, these are supposed to be the best days of our lives, even if we don’t see it now.

Not only does this apply to school, but it can also apply it to any aspect of life. These days it seems like we are all in a rush. We’re in a rush to get to work, school, home or whatever it is we may be doing. Why wish our lives away when we’re already in a hurry as it is? Yes, it’s easier said than done, but we should take the time to appreciate different moments in life instead of trying to rush into whatever comes next. When spending time with friends or family, we should live in the moment instead of wishing we could just go home. The older I get, the more I realize that these times are few and far between, and we should enjoy them while we still can. It’s time we give up the rush and enjoy the little things.

Photo courtesy of Pixabay.

I'm a senior Ag Communications major and Zeta Tau Alpha sister. I love coffee, my family and dogs.