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College Majors as Told by Their Hogwarts Houses

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTM chapter.

College majors as told by their Hogwarts Houses… does your major fit under your Hogwarts house? Read ahead and find out!



Y’all are going to be saving lives one day. What’s more Gryffindor than that?

Criminal Justice

You have a great desire to have an effect on the world around you, just like a real Gryffindor would! You’re not afraid to stand up for what’s right, and Harry would be proud!

Social Work

Social work majors are not afraid to put themselves in iffy situations for the well-being of others, which is pretty much the plot line of all the Gryffindor characters.




Definitely the most caring people around. Nurses are the most under-appreciated workforce in the world, kind of like the Hufflepuffs, huh? Hufflepuffs are also the most hardworking students at Hogwarts, something nursing majors probably feel like they can relate to.


Psychologists are on a mission to understand people, and there’s nothing more Hufflepuff than connecting with the people around you! You use your powers to help others and improve the lives of people in your community. Huffle on, psych majors!




The Ravenclaw common room is practically just a giant library, an English major’s dream! English is also a more traditionally “academic” subject, so it fits the Ravenclaw description to a T.


Here is another major that is traditionally “academic.” As Ravenclaws, you’re not afraid of the unknown and love figuring out puzzles about how the world around you works.

Fine and Performing arts

Ravenclaws are the most creative house at Hogwarts, so music and art students are 110% Ravenclaws. Rowena would be at every show and performance is she wasn’t busy being a ghost in Hogwarts, so let that creativity flow!




Ambition and power, all in one degree. Economics majors don’t have to dance; they make money move, just like a true Slytherin. Don’t forget about us when you own a fortune 500 company.

Computer Science

You’re all hackers, aren’t you? You have the skills to build and destroy every computerized thing that we need, an influence that every Slytherin would cherish. Just use your powers for good, okay?


Here’s another one about influence. Communications majors are the rulers of the media and have sway over the masses. They can also motivate people to make certain decisions. Just make sure you use your powers for good like the computer science students; we don’t want any more dark wizards!