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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTM chapter.


Did you know there is an Eating Disorder Awareness Week? Well, now you know! Eating Disorder Awareness Week is February 25 – March 2. The statistics of people affected by eating disorders have been increasing since we started living in a world where we have so much pressure from our family and friends. Ten million women in America have some type of eating disorder today. One in 200 American women suffer from anorexia, and two to three in 100 American women suffer from bulimia. About 10 percent of college women suffer from clinical or almost clinical eating disorders. Instead of listening to the people around us, we should listen to our own body and what it needs. If you’re skinny, it’s okay to look good and flaunt it because you’re confident! It’s okay to gain weight; there is much more to love about your body. Confidence is key! You are the only person that can love your body.


Here are some ways you can love your body every day:

1. Become aware of what your body can do each day. Remember, it is the instrument of your life, not just an ornament.  

2. Choose to find the beauty in the world and in yourself.   

3. Think about the things you could accomplish with the time and energy you spend worrying about your body and appearance. Try one!  

4. Every morning when you wake up, thank your body for resting and rejuvenating itself so you can enjoy the day.

5. Count your blessings, not your blemishes.

6. Keep a list of 10 positive things about yourself that does not include your appearance. You can add to it!

7. Put a sign on all of your mirrors saying, “I’m beautiful inside and out.”

8. Surround yourself with people that remind you of your inner strength and beauty. Don’t be around toxic people.

9. Be your body’s best friend and supporter, not its enemy.

10. Realize that the number on the scale does not determine your self-worth.  


Statistics Source: https://www.mirasol.net/learning-center/eating-disorder-statistics.php

Love your body bullet points: http://sweatsalty.tumblr.com/post/44655277154/body-peace-since-its-national-eating-disorder

Photo source: https://images.pexels.com/photos/774866/pexels-photo-774866.jpeg?w=940&h…

You can catch me eating Oreos at my house watching This Is Us. Once you get me talking, I will constantly talk about books, music, food, and Jesus.  Shalom (Peace and Blessings)