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Brianna Cook: Intern abroad…in the country!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tennessee chapter.

Are you in the situation, like most college women, when you are starting to buckle down on this whole “career” thing? I know sometimes you may feel like you have to choose between taking a full course load or sleeping in. Or maybe you have to choose between studying for a test or hitting up the strip. But one should never have to choose between studying abroad and having the experience of a lifetime or bettering their future career and working an internship. Brianna Cook proved she didn’t have to choose.
Her Campus: So where are you interning at, Brianna? 
Brianna Cook: I’ve gotten the chance to be an intern at Georgia Pacific in Atlanta. I’m a logistics major so I’m the Rail Analysts intern for the semester, which is awesome experience for me!
HC: Atlanta? That’s really interesting, what do you like about it?
BC: I always really wanted to study abroad but it never really worked out because of the classes I needed to take and so on. But this is actually an amazing opportunity because I get to experience a new, exciting city, meet new, interesting people AND I have an awesome internship. I’m walking away from Atlanta with new friends in addition to experience and a great thing to add to my resume.
HC: I think people are always so focused on getting out of the country, but I think that they forget what’s right in this country! What’s Atlanta like to compared to Knoxville, or where you’re from, DC?
BC: That’s so true. Atlanta is completely different from DC and Knoxville, which is a great! DC is so compact and historical, with tons of museums and all. Knoxville, or campus at least, is such a college town, you know? It’s school spirited, and the Old City and Market Square is beautiful and old school. Atlanta is so urban and has so much character. It also has a great public transportation, the Marta, like DC. 
HC: How did you land this great, prestigious internship?
BC: Well, actually they came to UT to do some interviewing. UT is a really big school that people search for interns through. I sent in my resume when I heard they were coming from a business professor then had the interview. I found out a little later that I got the internship! I highly recommend any student to talk to their teachers to see who’s looking for interns, because UT is highly regarded feeder school.
HC: I’ll have to do that. Would you take a job in Atlanta after you come back and graduate?
BC: I would love to! But now, this has only opened my eyes to wanting to explore other big cities in the country!