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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utica chapter.

College is a new, difficult world to navigate. Students are just dropped off in a new city, with people they don’t know, for the first time on their own and are just expected to figure it out. Even the best high school students have trouble transitioning to college. It is not just about the school work, it is the overall living experience as a whole. It takes a toll on you physically and mentally. Nonetheless, college courses require double the study time high school courses require, and that jumps on you quick.

Day’s at college are packed with as much as possible. Classes, clubs, sports, work, and other activities on top of homework, studying and having a social life. Some students struggle to find time to workout and eat healthy. This leads to overall less happy students. When you are not happy with yourself, no matter how smart you may be, you are not going to do well.

Freshmen year, it is filled with plenty of lows, but they are not really lows, rather they are learning curves. When you enter sophomore year you for the most part, have it figured out. Students tend to be way less happy, and overall unhappy with the university they have chosen by this time.

The schools do more to help gain more prospective students attention and get money from alumni than help out students that already attend the school. College is just like a corporation in a way. Just trying to get enough money to profit off of and then move onto the next round of kids.

Are our students happy? Why did the students who transferred leave? What can we do better? These questions are never asked. We get surveys about what housing we want the following year and what meal plan we will buy, and nothing about if we are happy.

Mental health has been made aware more and more lately. The issues are out there, what are these schools doing to help students in need?

Athletes are given awful practice times either early in the morning or late at night so the school can rent out our facilities to outside sources like travel teams and high schools. Another thing to lessen the experience of those students already here in order to make a quick buck.

All in all, people say college is what you make of it, I am steering away from that belief. Yes, you can make the best of the shitty environment you are in, but if you are not provided with things you may need you will not be happy.


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Meet Bianca, I am currently a Junior at Utica College in Utica, NY.  I am a Criminal Justice major with a concentration in Homeland Security.  Crime investigation has always been something that interests me.  I’m dedicated and passionate and it’s hard for me to quit things. I get that from my father so don’t hold it against me- he was a veteran and police officer for 20 years.   Growing up in a family centered around law enforcement has helped guide me in this direction, and I will forever be grateful.  After graduation I intend to continue on to law school where I can further my education in hopes of becoming a criminal defense lawyer and later on a District Attorney.  An interesting fact about myself is that I found the passion to be a criminal defense lawyer from watching the O.J. Simpson case.  The facts and conspiracy theories evoked a whole new passion behind criminal investigation that I intend to use in my future.  One of my most prominent moments in my writing career was when I wrote for an online magazine and had my most prevalent article hit 1.6k shares.  I believe in treating people with the same kind of respect and manners you would expect in return, and in a way it has helped shaped my expectations in life.   When you first meet me I won’t be the loudest in the room or the center of attention, but I will be intently listening to everything you say, for what you have to say may have a purpose. I believe in purpose. I believe that everyone is here to help you grow into who you are today and who you will be tomorrow.