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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utica chapter.



In college, all of our days are extremely busy. We all have so many tasks, big and small that need to get done within a certain day or a certain time frame. Unfortunately, as much as a lot of you hate to admit it, planning is absolutely 100% necessary in college. But, there are many different ways to go about it. Everyone has their own ways of going about things, but as long as you get it all done, it really doesn’t matter how you get there. Here are a few suggestions I have with how I handle my schedule.

One thing I honestly think is extremely important is that you still need to let life unfold around you. In my past, I have been extremely guilty of trying to manage everything around me. I wouldn’t just let life happen, I would plan what time activities would happen, what we would do, what time (which is good, to an extent), who would be there. Nothing was left up to the imagination, Madison controlled everything. It started to affect my personal life and relationships for sure. That is when I realized I needed to make a change. Living life constantly stressed out wasn’t fun. 

I am someone who loves their planner, although they can be dangerous, I think they are essential for a college student to be successful. One small but successful change I made this year was getting a planner that did not have lines in it for the days. Because there are no lines to contain my handwriting, I write bigger, therefore I am not able to fit as much stuff in the boxes, which is a good thing! Every event does not need to be written down. I 100% always write in due dates for school and homework assignments, as well as my practice schedule and my work schedule, those are the things you need to keep on track of everything else going on is a bonus that you do when you have free time. You don’t need to write down okay I can hangout with Jenny from 4-6 and then do this and then do that. It’s just so unnecessary. Just get your work done, and do what you want to do. If there are things you can’t handle, or you have too much on your plate, take a step back and analyze the problem, and what the solution there is. Everything has a problem, you just need to figure out how to make that problem work into a solution, and make yourself happy. Being happy and healthy is the most important part of time management, If you are failing at those things, something needs to change. 

In conclusion. Just do you! Whatever works for you, figure it out and continue to do so, so you can be successful. This is your college experience, why would you not want to make the absolute most of it! You can do it, all of us here at Her Campus Utica believe in you.


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Hi everyone!  My name is Katelyn DiViccaro and I am a freshman at Utica College. I am a cybersecurtity major and am always around computers.  But, I also have a love for anything makeup, advice, and romance.  Check out some of my articles and enjoy!