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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utica chapter.

This was a poem written by me back in my freshman year. Poetry is not my strong suit at all, but I love consuming it. I have so many poetry books and enjoy reading everyone else’s pieces. However, I wanted to share this because the seasons are changing and it’s becoming brighter out. I feel like when the spring comes or even the change from spring to summer it changes my mood. I feel like the seasons play a role in my life and these words slightly capture that.


It’s about that time

Where the sun starts to shine brighter

The warmth on my skin does something to me

All my problems become smaller

All I can think about is now

It’s time to take responsibility for my life

No one to blame but me

It’s time to change myself for the better

It all starts with me

Once I do everything will align

The days will feel more fulfilling

I’ll feel whole again


The better I become

The better I attract


    When I found this in my saved files I felt like I took a time machine back to what felt like longer than three years ago. While this might not sound like the seasons changing is what I meant it was. It’s easy to place the blame on everything else in life but I think when the atmosphere around me feels what I consider more positive it’s easier to look at the negative things in your life and be like wow. I really can fix or change some of it myself. All of that just to say you have to start somewhere even if you don’t see the progress you want right away.


Hey everyone, my name is Cristina. I'm a Senior here at Utica College!