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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utica chapter.

Who doesn’t love stumbling upon a new binge-worthy series? Netflix is known for having thousands of episodes, movies and documentaries. One thing that some people sometimes overlook is the Netflix Originals list. This list is the home to dozens of shows and movies that you can’t watch anywhere else. Here’s just a few originals that you will not be able to stop watching!

Stranger Things

Even if you feel like you have heard everything you need to know through social media about this one, it is still so good! Even if you are usually not into fantasy or sci-fi shows, you will not be able to look away while watching. Stranger Things as of right now has two seasons and hopefully for the binge watchers, there will be a third season right around the corner!

Grace and Frankie

If you’re in need of a good laugh, Grace and Frankie will do the trick! Quick-witted humor and sarcasm are just two of the components of this show! This show comes with a bunch of unexpected twists and turns in the characters lives right from the start. One of the best parts about this series is that the episodes are only about a half hour so you can binge-watch twice as much as an hour-long show!

Black Mirror

The best thing about Black Mirror is that you are interested from the minute it begins; there is no need for an exciting lead up. Another great part about this series is that there is no story line to this show (Yes, I know that sounds strange). Each episode is about a different topic so if you don’t like one episode, you can skip right to the next episode. If you want to start watching this series and begin on Season 2 Episode 4, you can do just that!

Orange is the New Black

If you ever were curious about what it is like to live like a prison, this series will fill you right in (kind of). This fictional series takes you inside of a women’s prison and gives you a look into all of the stories of how each woman got to where they are now. This series involves corrupt officers, escaped prisoners and other illegal internal affairs – what more could you ask for?

13 Reasons Why

This series is not only binge-worthy but it is also eye-opening. Aside from entertainment, 13 Reasons Why uses fictional characters and events to show people what it’s like to go through peer pressure and bullying and how your actions affect others. You will not be able to resist pressing “Play Next Episode” and before you know it, you will be emotionally invested in the characters and their stories.

Even though Netflix is constantly changing up the shows that are available to watch, these five aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. These shows definitely live up to all the hype! Start watching as soon as possible, you won’t regret it!


Meet Bianca, I am currently a Junior at Utica College in Utica, NY.  I am a Criminal Justice major with a concentration in Homeland Security.  Crime investigation has always been something that interests me.  I’m dedicated and passionate and it’s hard for me to quit things. I get that from my father so don’t hold it against me- he was a veteran and police officer for 20 years.   Growing up in a family centered around law enforcement has helped guide me in this direction, and I will forever be grateful.  After graduation I intend to continue on to law school where I can further my education in hopes of becoming a criminal defense lawyer and later on a District Attorney.  An interesting fact about myself is that I found the passion to be a criminal defense lawyer from watching the O.J. Simpson case.  The facts and conspiracy theories evoked a whole new passion behind criminal investigation that I intend to use in my future.  One of my most prominent moments in my writing career was when I wrote for an online magazine and had my most prevalent article hit 1.6k shares.  I believe in treating people with the same kind of respect and manners you would expect in return, and in a way it has helped shaped my expectations in life.   When you first meet me I won’t be the loudest in the room or the center of attention, but I will be intently listening to everything you say, for what you have to say may have a purpose. I believe in purpose. I believe that everyone is here to help you grow into who you are today and who you will be tomorrow.