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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utica chapter.

Around this time every year, the Google search bar is overflowing with costume searches. Here are a few couple and trio costumes to hopefully give you some ideas!

This couple very well fits the role of this costume, I mean check out their teeth! A dentist and a tooth fairy. This costume will definitely make your friends head to the bathroom and grab their toothbrush. A pretty straightforward costume that can totally happen this year!

THIS COSTUME IS EVERYTHING. Kim Possible was most of our childhood and seeing this costume portrayed so perfectly is amazing. Grab a friend who fits the part and join in on this one! This costume shouldn’t be too hard to piece together, so, make it happen!

My friends decided to go as my Thing 1 and Thing 2. This costume was simple, cute, and we had so much fun with it! Definitely would recommend. The DIY process was pretty simple and fun.

This couple took a hilarious take on a classic costume, Cleopatra and Julius Caesar. Not every costume needs to be taken for its face value. This one is guaranteed to get you some laughs and attention at the party. This costume needs a few accessories, but can totally be done this year!

This costume is simple, cute, and cheap. These girls have it down. Salt, tequila, and a lime. What is a better combo? Print out some signs, get a cute dress, and kill it this Halloween!

It’s never too early for Christmas! My boyfriend and I went as Santa and Mrs. Claus. The outpour of love we got from people when they saw us was everything. It just made people happy, as there’s nothing like the Christmas season. Costumes were easy, we just bought them online.

This couple is adorable. A cute puppy and a hot firefighter, what can be better?  Another cute and cheap costume that this couple had a ton of fun with. A simple DIY with things they already had make it even better.

Hope this helps you guys and Halloween goes smooth for everyone this year. Stay safe.


PR Girl Enjoying life ? Instagram @madisonjudge
Meet Bianca, I am currently a Junior at Utica College in Utica, NY.  I am a Criminal Justice major with a concentration in Homeland Security.  Crime investigation has always been something that interests me.  I’m dedicated and passionate and it’s hard for me to quit things. I get that from my father so don’t hold it against me- he was a veteran and police officer for 20 years.   Growing up in a family centered around law enforcement has helped guide me in this direction, and I will forever be grateful.  After graduation I intend to continue on to law school where I can further my education in hopes of becoming a criminal defense lawyer and later on a District Attorney.  An interesting fact about myself is that I found the passion to be a criminal defense lawyer from watching the O.J. Simpson case.  The facts and conspiracy theories evoked a whole new passion behind criminal investigation that I intend to use in my future.  One of my most prominent moments in my writing career was when I wrote for an online magazine and had my most prevalent article hit 1.6k shares.  I believe in treating people with the same kind of respect and manners you would expect in return, and in a way it has helped shaped my expectations in life.   When you first meet me I won’t be the loudest in the room or the center of attention, but I will be intently listening to everything you say, for what you have to say may have a purpose. I believe in purpose. I believe that everyone is here to help you grow into who you are today and who you will be tomorrow.