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The Value of Education: A Path to Independence and Opportunity

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTD chapter.

As we walk from one class to another with a hot beverage in our hand, we often
ask ourselves, “Do we really want to be here?”

Surely, this thought has crossed all of our minds but we’ve never acted on it.
Lectures and the education system can be overwhelming at times, but it is
crucial to not lose sight of our goals. Attaining an education, whether it be
through school or acquiring a degree, is a privilege. Navigating life with a
degree, whether it be from highschool or college, opens broader opportunities
for different jobs.

The availability of diverse job options is a significant advantage, which can
lead to independence. Enrolling in community college courses or online
programs can move us forward, helping us gain necessary skills and
prerequisites for our desired careers. Although the path may seem daunting at
first, achieving self-sufficiency is essential for our well-being. Pursuing
professional growth for ourselves can open doors to a lot of opportunities that
can improve our career options.

Additionally, most of us aspire to build families, which requires financial
stability and secure housing. Having some form of degree createsa stronger
foundation for stability. While it is possible to find employment without a
degree, such jobs are often less reliable. With the addition of children, financial
responsibilities can only escalate. Balancing part-time work with college
studies is challenging and time-consuming but ultimately leads us toward a
brighter future.

The opportunity to pursue a degree is not readily available in numerous
countries, therefore brining a reminder to us as college students to be grateful
for our educational opportunities. Though the pursuit of eduction can be strenuous at times, abandoning it should not be an option. Persevering through the challenges it presents can lead to a remarkably successful future.

Hi everyone:) My name is Sakshi Nair and I am a junior at the University of Texas at Dallas. Currently, my major is neuroscience and I am on the pre-med track. I am learning Japanese at the moment, and I love reading manga!!