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Why You Shouldn’t Be Pressured To Join The Same Sorority Your Friends Are Joining

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

With recruitment in the past, a lot of people overlook the fact that many houses are still recruiting! How? Through a process called Continuous Open Bid, or C.O.B! If you’ve changed your mind about joining a sorority and now think that it feels right for you, this process might be an option. However, you have to understand that joining a sorority just to be with your friends might not give you the home you’re searching for. 

Yes, the thought of joining the same sorority with all your girlfriends seems exciting, but it is important that you stay true to yourself! You should be coming into college wanting a fresh start and starting a path of your own, and finding the sorority that is right for you is just the place to start. Get away from all your high school pasts, and start to build your own future.

Join a sorority for the right reasons. I get it; you have known these girls forever. Or maybe even for a short time and are already the best of friends, and want to share another bond together. But, this is a big decision on the next years of your life. It is going to effect the next and best four years of your life. It’s time to think about what YOU want. And maybe you all will end up in the same house, and that’s okay too!

The Greek system is one big family. Many sorority women have friends in different houses, including me. There is a sorority for every woman, and it’s important to find right where you fit. You will have more potential and room to grow in a house that you actually want to join. Not to mention that you will be more likely to drop if you join a house that you didn’t initially want.  Get the most out of this experience, and do not drop the house you get just because your girlfriends aren’t in it with you. It is also important that you are not the one pressuring your friends into joining the house you want. Let them make their own decisions, and it will all be okay. I promise you.

Take it from me. Being an old, washed up senior, I have seen it all. One year I had the sweetest freshmen express a LOT of concern about her friends pressuring her to join the house they wanted. But, she didn’t feel at home there. She told me she was worried she would lose them as friends completely if she did not listen to them. I assured her that you will remain friends if you decide to join a different sorority than your friends. It can even be fun to see what your friends in other houses are doing! What makes the Greek system so great is that there is a house for each type of woman. We are diverse! Discuss other houses with them, tell them why you like the house you do! If they are true friends, they will respect your decision and encourage you to do so. Remind each other that no matter what letters you will soon be wearing, that you will always be there for each other.

Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor