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Why You Should Say “Yes!” More Often

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

“No” is one of the most popular words in the English Language. It’s easy; it doesn’t commit you to plans, and is just a great go-to word if you aren’t sure about something. But “no” isn’t doing anything for you, it’s not making your life more fulfilled, and it’s not making you happy. Nothing feels worse than going out of your comfort zone but trust me this is something you should do more often and here is why:


1. Saying “Yes” Makes You Happier And A Generally More Positive Person.


Because you aren’t taking the simple way out. You’re out of your comfort zone and actually having fun. That’s possible right? 





2. Your Friends Will Want to Spend More Time With You.


And you will have more opportunities to spend time with them! 20-minute lunches aren’t that big of a commitment? 




3. It Can Transform You Into The Most Easy-going Person Alive.


People will seriously wonder about this new level of zen you have reached. They might even ask you for advice. 






4. It Will Make You More Successful.


Every time you say “no” you could be turning down a huge opportunity. Studying is important but you’ll never know what connections you can make if you never leave the library. 





5. It Makes Finding New Friends a LOT Easier.


They are seriously everywhere, you just have to look. And go to that party on Friday. 




Stop making excuses and go enjoy yourself and try new things! I can easily come up with dozens of examples of how my life would be different if I told someone “yes”. Give “yes!” a chance… study abroad, take that summer internship, do something that you could never picture yourself doing just because you felt like it. And honestly, you don’t need another reason.

Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor