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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Everyone likes the idea of being independent and proving to others that we can do most things on our own. Independence and self strength is idolized, and if you can’t handle something by yourself, then apparently, you’re weak. These kinds of assumptions and ideas irritate me because, how unfair is it that asking for help is demonized? And even if you do decide to seek out help and talk to someone, sometimes it can feel like you have nowhere to go; it’s not that you don’t have friends or family that you could talk to, it’s just that maybe you don’t feel comfortable talking to them about the particular things you want to say.  For this reason among many others, I would encourage anyone that has ever even thought about therapy to give it a try. 

\"you got this\" on a letter board

To be honest, it sucks that therapy has a negative connotation because it really does help people every day. I understand that it can be something that a lot of people could never see themselves doing, and they feel as though it would be awkward or even that their therapist would judge them. But actually, one of the best things about speaking to a therapist is that they don’t know you. This probably sounds strange, but if you think about it, it’s kind of great. This person will have no preconceived notions about who you are or what your life is like. You can be completely honest about anything that comes to mind because everything that you say will be kept between you and your therapist. Therapists choose to listen to other people talk or rant or cry, and they want to give advice and help in any way that they can, no matter how “bizarre” the things that they hear are. 

Therapy can be especially beneficial to those who struggle with mental illness or have experienced some kind of trauma in the past. However, the most important thing to realize is that therapy is for anyone. There is a preconception (one that is far from the truth), that the only people who can benefit from therapy are those that have more serious issues. Even a person that has no prevalent problems in their life can and should go to therapy if they want to. You may be thinking that you don’t have much to talk about, but this is another thing that you really shouldn’t worry about. You don’t have to walk in with a list of topics that you want to discuss; you will quickly realize that the talking comes naturally. Mentioning one thing that’s on your mind can lead to ten others, and you’ll probably be surprised by how much you actually have to say. Even if this doesn’t happen, though, it doesn’t matter. A therapy session can be quiet and casual and you don’t have to speak the entire time. Therapy should be a place where you feel no pressure and truthfully, your therapist probably won’t care if you have nothing to say. All they want to do is help you, and they’ll be just fine if you need to sit in silence for a few, or several, minutes. 

The goal of this article is not for me to push the idea of therapy onto anyone. My actual goal is that anyone who has ever shied away from the thought of therapy to be able to welcome that thought more openly. Accepting the fact that you could use some help, advice, or just a random person to talk to is a huge stepping stone, and if it leads to trying therapy and maybe even liking it, that’s something to be proud of. Plus, there is never commitment required; it’s completely up to you if you choose to continue. And, you have to admit, talking about yourself and the things on your mind without any interruptions can be a nice thing, and a necessary thing at times. It’s all about your mindset and if your mindset is saying go for it, then I say to listen to it; you may just end up surprising yourself. 

Senior majoring in Communication and minoring in Spanish :)
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor