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What To Do (And Avoid) To Get & Maintain Healthy Hair All The Time.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

From the heat of curling irons to the endless amount of chlorine that we swam in over the summer, we all know that once your hair gets damaged, there is only so much you can do to revive it. Unhealthy hair can be stringy, look thin, start to break off at the end and even fall out in chunks! Here are some quick and easy tips on what to do and what to avoid to help bring your hair back to its full health and beauty.


1.  Do get your hair trimmed

The first step to making your hair look and feel healthy is a good haircut.  You don’t need to have Flynn Rider cut it off but you need to make sure you don’t have split ends. Finding a good hairdresser that you can afford and that you feel comfortable communicating with will help you feel confident about getting a haircut. And remember, it will grow back and if you get the ends trimmed it should grow back faster. 

Don’t get it bleached

If you have really dark hair and you want to go light just remember that bleaching your hair is so damaging!  The first thing to do is make sure that is what you really want–the worst thing is going to light and then not liking it and in the process you’ve wrecked your naturally dark locks. Start gradually.  Use some lemon juice and get some sunshine so you can start to make it lighter on your own, then if you still really want to get it done go to someone that knows your hair and that you trust.


2. Do use heat protectors

It seems like a really easy thing to remember but how often do you actually do it? No, really, how often? Making it part of your daily routine will help your hair stay soft and prevent split-ends.  Have some that works on both wet and dry hair so you never forget to use it.

Don’t use hot tools

I know you want to straighten your hair everyday but you don’t really need to! Have some days where you let your hair be more natural, it will take less time and will help keep your hair healthier longer. 


3. Do wash your hair

This is very important for girls with greasy hair.  If you have abnormally thin hair that greases easily, wash your hair every morning and rarely use conditioner, the conditioner is an added oil that will only lead to your becoming more greasy. I know everyone says to not wash your hair everyday, the reason for this is so you aren’t stripping it of its natural oils but if your hair is naturally greasy, you already have enough natural oils after one day.  If you need the moisture use deep conditioning treatments about once a month along with your normal routine.  Deep conditioning will give your hair a boost of moisture and will make it feel much softer.  For girls with thick hair it is necessary to also have some dry shampoo.  This will help you allow more natural oils to get into your hair that will help restore damage.

Don’t use a brush when you get out of the shower

Using a brush can rip your hair, which causes split ends and hurts.  Using a comb is more gentle and will feel better.  If you don’t have a comb then make sure to start at the ends of your hair and work up, by doing this you can avoid ripping out your hair due to tangles.


4. Do use hair masks

Hair masks are fun to make and use.  Lush has some great hair treatments that work wonders but you can also make them yourself!  Coconut oil is one of the best things you can use on your hair.  Egg white and yogurt are also two of the most popular hair treatments that are easy to do.  Just remember to wash your hair after a few minutes and to make sure you get the entire mask rinsed off. Grab some girlfriends and do a hair party, top it off with a movie and you have a pretty solid Sunday evening!

Don’t use them more than once a week

Hair masks might be a great way to relax and have some “me-time” but you don’t want to lose the natural oils in your hair.  The best way to use hair masks is to use them when you want to grow your hair or if your hair needs the moisture.


Most importantly know your hair!

This is so important because everyone might have similar struggles but we are all still different.  Take some time to figure out what works best for your hair.  Thin hair and thick hair react in totally different ways to hair products and you don’t want to spend money on something and find out it doesn’t work.  Talking to your hairdresser is one of the best ways to find products that will work with your hair.  Once you find what works you can still have fun with new products.  We all love to try new things and there are constantly new products coming out.  Just know what works, what doesn’t, and what you should avoid to keep your hair healthy.

If I'm not cooking or in school I am usually binge watching Friends, Arrow, or Harry Potter. I am a Slytherin and an Alpha Phi. I believe that mermaids can exist and I would like to be the first one. I sleep with a dragon at my side named Toothless every night. If I could get paid to travel the world I would never stay in the same place longer than a month.
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor