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Top 7 Coldest Buildings on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

It’s that time again. The time when comfort tends to trump fashion; out come the marshmallow jackets and the crop tops go marching into a hibernation. I know there is nothing worse than being completely unprepared to sit in an icebox for a classroom and try to pay attention instead of focusing on not freezing to death. With the new semester comes new classrooms and if you have a class in any of these buildings you better bundle up for what will feel like sup-zero temperatures.

1. ASB- Aline Wilmot Skaggs Biology Building.

If you’re trying to study in this building I suggest you wear as many socks as possible. Toes are important!

2. CTIHB- Carolyn Tanner Irish Humanities Building

Make sure you stop at Caputo’s and pick up something warm to keep your fingers note-taking ready instead of frozen solid!


3. Business Building- Spencer Fox Eccles Business Building

I suggest that one should bring their heated blanket to class to prevent the early signs of hypothermia. You’ll thank me later.

4. Architecture Building

This building has been known to turn even the most winter-loving of collegiettes into the Grinch.

5. BEHS Auditorium- Social and Behavioral Science

Despite the cozy auditorium chairs, many seem to find themselves stuck to their seats after class. Make sure you pack your portable space heater!


6. BUC- Business Classroom Building

Collegiettes have been known to wear gloves during class. You think I’m joking? I’m not. Wear your gloves!


7. WEB- John and Marva Warnock Engineering Building

Even when they try to turn on the furnace to heat up the building it sounds like a dragon dying. You can’t win either way.


Good Luck with your new semester and keep warm, collegiettes!

Proud owner of a Hulu Plus account, Netflix, and HBO Go with none in my name. 
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor