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Tips to Motivate Your Workout This Winter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

With winter coming up the motivation to work out becomes even harder. You convince yourself with every excuse possible that its too cold outside to go to the gym or that you can just cover up with cozy sweaters… but working out is about more than just looking good; it’s about the way your body feels. Keep those holiday pounds off by continuing to go to the gym so you can eat all the holiday treats your heart desires. 


  • Tell yourself why YOU personally need to work out daily; 
    • What is your personal goal with your daily workout? How can you benefit from this in more than a body image way? Workouts help you take a small hiatus from your phone, give you some me time, and overall increase your energy and endorphins, making you a happier person. 
  • Go at your pace – a small workout is still a workout. 
    • Working out at your own pace is a good thing. Do not stress yourself out and compare to other people, (easier said than done) but start slow and work up to the bigger crazier workouts. Get a 10-minute workout in between class and work, or do small things like park further away when heading to the grocery store the mall or campus so you can get those steps in. 
  • Create a schedule
    • Pencil time in your planner for your workout each day, penciling it in your planner will help you realize you do have time for a workout each day. Seeing that in your planner will motivate you to check it off your to-do list. 
  • Go to the gym with a buddy 
    • Ask a roommate or a friend to go with you, being accountable for going with someone and not letting them down can really motivate you to make time for the gym every day. The responsibility of meeting someone for a workout can make a big difference. 


Hopefully these tips help encourage you to be the best, healthiest you that you can be!

U of U Communications Major