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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Being a feminist is more than marching along other women and protesting for women’s rights– feminism takes courage and pride in oneself. Many women have no problem speaking out against the social issues of our times; however, the media continues to push an agenda that gives us every reason to doubt our capabilities as women. The media makes us wonder: If you can’t actively fight for social justice for women, are you a true feminist? Much of what we see on TV is an extreme scenario of the fight for women’s rights. The truth is, the battle starts with individuals through actions much smaller than leading a protest or attending a march. The truth is, the battle starts with individuals like Bob’s Burger’s Tina Belcher. 

Tina Belcher, of Fox’s Bob’s Burgers is the feminist that I strive to be. Although a mere adolescent, Tina fights the norms of what is expected of her each and every day. Female sexuality, debunking gender norms, and the power of the introvert are all addressed by this young and powerful role-model. By embracing her hormones and the intense sexuality they bring, Tina has no qualms knocking down the taboos surrounding women and sex. Using her “erotic friend-fictions” to explore her personal aphrodisical taste, she then exposes herself to the world in episodes such as “Carpe Museum” where Tina shouts to everyone she is “a dork for horses, boys, and zombies”. In today’s society, women and sex are two things that should be kept in the bedroom, yet it is perfectly acceptable for a man to discuss his sexuality. Sex is natural and a topic that all should be able to discuss, and Tina breaks down these barriers despite her timid personality.

Traditionally, the roles of women are domestic– primarily cooking and cleaning, or taking care of the children. Tina does each of these; however, her own spunk lifts her out of a traditional gender role. The truth is, Tina is not very good at domestic tasks women are often seen doing. Throughout the many seasons of Bob’s Burgers, Tina has managed to burn a house down while cooking, make great messes, and let her younger siblings walk all over her. One area where Tina continually shines, however, is under circumstances society primarily designates as masculine. In the episode “Bob and Deliver,” Tina drops out of home-ec to go to the metal shop class where she welds two pieces of metal together. Although her creation appears to be nothing of great success, it is her object that saves the day in the episode. Tina illustrates that gender-norms shouldn’t be assigned, as each woman is different and this diversity is what makes for the most powerful feminist movement.


 Lastly, Tina shows us that no matter how outgoing you are, you can change the world. Tina Belcher’s most famous quote would be, “I’m no superhero, I put my bra on one boob at a time too,” doing a true disservice to her powers of normality. While Tina may not be a classic example of a feminist, her actions show that anyone stand up for women. Advocating for women’s rights doesn’t require an individual to be so outspoken as seen on television. Sometimes, the best we can give to the cause is to embrace who we are. Tina shows us that heroes take all forms, including that of an adolescent female.

Feminism is important in the past, present, and future of our world. While many would love to be the outspoken presences we see on TV, it doesn’t have to start there to make a difference. Tina Belcher is the perfect example of how you can still thrive as an introverted feminist

Sources (all from Bob’s Burgers via 20th Century Fox Television) : 1, 23, 4

Political Science Major Alaskan Forever Mental Health Advocate Engaged to the Best!
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor