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Wellness > Mental Health

The Importance of Rituals

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Whether it be daily, weekly, monthly, or even yearly, rituals are necessary for a happy and healthy life. Creating a ritual for yourself allows you to recharge and rethink in a way that normal life just doesn’t allow. As niche and cliché as it is, daily morning or night routines truly make a difference in the overall mood and output of our days. Creating a practice that you look forward to doing every day, once a week, or whenever the ritual may take place, leads to a drive for your future and a push to get through those harder days.

Rituals don’t have to be extravagant and over the top. The daily practices that you choose to implement can be as simple as reading 5 pages of your current favorite book before bed every night. A big ritual that has taken over our society and the overall population is skincare. While this practice has always been important, the understanding is that this process is not only beneficial for your face but for your soul as well. The human brain is designed to follow a protocol and is at its best when things are in synchronization within that individual protocol. In other words, your brain will reward you if you give it the power to not worry about what’s to come and expect what is already planned to happen.

That is not to say that if the ritual you have started implanting doesn’t happen you are going to be unhappy and unhealthy. Following a routine is hard, especially when it’s not what we are used to. Living a life that is free and open has its benefits, but when you set a plan and create space and time for everything you want to do it’s more likely to happen. Rituals are there to guide us through the uncertainty of life rather than drag us down. Opening space for your ritual will bring your body and soul the happiness that it’s craving. Understanding that giving up on the certain freedoms you once had is worth the new experiences that life will reward you with.

I'm a Junior at the University of Utah looking for journalism jobs possible to boost my resume. As I study the art of writing I am fascinated by the variety of expertise. I am fashion obsessed and would love to work within the fashion community one day. I am also the current project manager for HER Campus and love every second. As such, I hope to attend Parson's School of design and acquire a master's degree after my time here at the U. I enjoy taking writing courses, entrepreneurship courses, and ethical courses.