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Thanksgiving Deserves Just As Much Love As Christmas

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Pardon me, but people who prematurely engage in Christmas festivities demand to be shunned. Any early signs of holly and/or jolly cheer before December 1st need to be quelled and obliterated. Not trying to be your local Grinch, I just strongly champion the importance of Thanksgiving.

As soon as Halloween is over, Christmas hits us going 89 mph and none of us are ever truly prepared for the sporadic holiday decorations or music. In the midst of this madness, Thanksgiving is overshadowed by the commercialized festivities.

The fact that people bypass the food-focused Thursday as if it so meager is downright barbaric; honestly, you eager holiday heathens, take a chill pill with your eggnog and get some gravy in your life.

Thanksgiving is a wonderful justification to gorge on a cornucopia of delightful home cooked meals. Can we not take a moment to appreciate the abundance of corn, mashed potatoes, and turkey? When will there be another excuse to inhale massive amounts of food? Sure Christmas is roughly a month after, but the general atmosphere of St. Nick is comparatively different than that of your local turkey. People, your relatives especially, cannot shame you for being a human vacuum for one night because that is what is expected of you- that is why Thanksgiving is so glorious.

However, we cannot let gluttony overshadow gratitude. There is a flippant attitude folks have towards the appreciation aspect of Turkey Day because of the history, but a day dedicated towards acknowledging all the things a person is thankful for is so beautiful. Though you should be thanking your lucky stars everyday, it is a friendly reminder to send a little extra love towards friends and family. People can get so ungrateful these days that they trick themselves into thinking they deserve and are entitled to whatever good fortune comes their way.  There are so many other forces at work supporting us along the way that we shouldn’t ever forget to be gracious, especially on Thanksgiving. If there is one day out of the 365 days in a year dedicated towards appreciation the least we can do is give it the notoriety it deserves.

What especially grinds my gears is when I see Christmas trees and lights multiplying like bunnies as soon as Halloween is over. Calm your spirits, you savages. There will be proper time to celebrate Christmas, but give Thanksgiving your undivided attention during November. Don’t even get me started on the holiday music that has my ears bleeding before the snow or leaves start falling. Of course you are not a real person if you don’t enjoy a good ole’ Michael Buble or Justin Bieber Christmas album, but there is a time and place for that. If we could start a Thanksgiving music trend I would not be mad.

Christmas is still great. Thanksgiving is also still great. Both holidays are equally special in their own unique ways, which is why each day deserves their specific allotted time to shine.

Just an aspiring sunflower who enjoys trap music from time to time. 
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor