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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Saving ice cream in the freezer. Treating yourself to Fenty lip gloss. RuPaul’s “Call Me Mother.” What do all of these things have in common? They all can be sources of motivation, and oh HONEY do we need them. This is particularly true for the start of a semester. The question is – how am I supposed to motivate myself after a glamorous vacation? Going on trips to different places? Sleeping until noon? Well, I did a little research, and I found some tips that may help you.

Create a new semester playlist

This is probably the fastest way you can get into the groove of change. Picking songs that uplift your spirits, compiling them all together, and hitting the shuffle button is nearly a guarantee to get you into such a good mood, you don’t mind going back to class! With streaming services like Spotify and Apple music, it’s super simple to make playlists, so why not?

Get a planner

While I myself love a cute planner with a bunch of motivating quotes and quips on it (like “goal digger” and “seven days in a week and someday ain’t one”), there are all sorts of planners that suit different needs. Whether it’s a simple black and white planner or one decked out in the rainbow, a planner is a great motivator to become and stay organized, especially if it’s one that’s very personal to you.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew

It’s hard to stay motivated to work if you have a daunting to-do list and a million clubs, classes, and other duties to attend to. Try to narrow down your priorities for the semester at the very start so you don’t overwhelm yourself by seeing how much you have to do.

Find a place that makes you focus

Your bed is not it. Instead, try using quiet study areas or studying with someone who holds you accountable. This way, you get work done faster than you would by yourself holed up in your room, checking social media every five minutes and saying, “Just one more episode of Parks and Rec” at least five times.

Get to know the people around you

If you make an effort to befriend your professors and fellow students in the classes you’re about to take, you will be more motivated to show up and do your best knowing there are people there who support you. Plus, life’s a lot more fun when you can share laughs or notes or food with friends in class.


I hope these tips helped spark that little fire inside all of us to dive into this new semester eagerly!



Image credit: WORK, cute planner

Emi, often described to be the embodiment of a sunflower, is passionate about equality, positivity, and growth. She's currently pursuing a path towards becoming a pharmacist, but in the meantime she spends her time writing articles, taking photos, creating visual art, dancing, and working towards a better future for all.
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor