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Save Money but Watch Your Back: TRAX

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

If you live in Utah, you’ve probably heard of the TRAX. And if you live anywhere near Salt Lake City specifically, then you’ve probably even ridden them. This light rail system was built to make commutes easy and cheap, and I think they’re a great idea. However, while they’re great going to a destination, if you’re not going to be on your way back until after dark, you may want to reconsider your means of transportation.

Here’s why they’re great:

They’re super convenient.

The TRAX go all over the place. From the U, to Sandy, to all over downtown Salt Lake City, and even to Provo to name a few. Whether you’re a student or a working adult, you’ve probably been on the TRAX before because there’s a good chance there is a station a block or two, if not in front of, wherever it is you need to go.

They’re free for students.

If you’re a student at the U, you can use your student ID to tap on and off the rail, like a subway card, for free. And everyone knows the word “free” is every college students favorite word.

You don’t have to pay for gas.

Public transportation means you don’t have to spend money always keeping your gas tank full,. As I mentioned earlier, free fare for students means spending no money at all (besides tuition), and for anyone else, spending $2 on a ticket beats $40 on a full tank. Plus, more people on the TRAX means less cars and helps to get rid of the inversion!

A set schedule helps to plan trips and stay on time.

You’ll never be late again, assuming you catch your train. The TRAX run on a completely set schedule that’s listed online and at every station, including departure and arrival times. Factor in your walking time and you can always be punctual to a date or work.


Basically, they’re great — during the day.

But here’s why you need to watch out:

There’s really no moderator of who gets on the trains.

Besides the occasional TRAX police who scan tickets or cards for people on the train, there isn’t much of a security system. Sure there are cameras, but cameras aren’t going to help you in an immediate danger situation. There’s no stopping people from getting on the trains which means you can end up with some pretty shady, even potentially threatening people sitting near you.


Some stations are located in the middle of a city.

Coming from personal experience, walking anywhere alone at night can be pretty scary, especially for us girls. We all have things to do and sometimes we don’t get to leave until pretty late, which means walking to the nearest TRAX station, in the city, by yourself. You never know what creeps could be lurking around corners or the station, so always carry pepper spray with you or have someone walk you to the station.

Overall, the TRAX are a great system that makes commuting from place to place extremely easy and cheap. Just remember, as convenient and safe as they may seem, always be aware of your surroundings both during the day and at night, whether you’re on the train or just walking to a station. Especially with many of the stations being located in a city like downtown Salt Lake, and cities tend to come with a whole new level of crazy people all their own.

Hey! I'm Carmen and I'm a second semester freshman at the University of Utah. I'm originally from Virginia, I absolutely love to travel, and I'm a huge sports fan. I'm also majoring in Graphic Design and minoring in Business!
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor