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Recap of the Oscars Incase You Forgot.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

The 2016 Academy Awards were hosted by Chris Rock on Sunday and was nothing short of a fabulous and unforgettable event.  Too busy with homework to watch it?  Well, here’s all you need to know…

1.  First and obviously foremost, Leo finally won an Oscar. No surprises there though, The Revenant, while extremely gory was excellent in quality and easily his best role.

2.  Because this year the Oscars listed all of the people they would like to thank at the bottom of the screen, the actors who won got the ability to give a speech where they were able to tackle issues they actually cared about–for some people this was too much, but most people found it a cool opportunity for social advocacy, like Leo who preached his passion on climate change.  

3.  Chris Rock’s opening monologue where he delicately–or maybe not so delicately–handled the diversity controversy to break the obvious awkwardness… “Welcome to the Oscar’s or otherwise known as the White People’s Choice Awards.” 

4. Mad Max (or for those of you who didn’t get to see the flick…the movie of non-stop action and very few words) cleaned up with a total of 6 Oscars. To put it in perspective, the most awards one movie has ever won is 11.

5.  Spotlight won the best movie of the year and while this was a surprise to me, movie experts were not surprised at all and many people happy about the choice!

6.  The most awkward moment of the night?  When Stacy Dash self promoted herself and did a stand-up on who she was…don’t know who Stacy Dash is?  That’s the awkward part.

7.  It was incredibly long as always…

Start looking out for movies now…who knows, they might bring home all of the gold men next year! 

Hi! I'm Madison Keyser and am a student at the University of Utah.  I am a sophomore double majoring in Economics and Spanish hoping to go to Law School someday.  I am an Alpha Chi Omega, love to play lacrosse and do anything outside.  I am so excited to be a Her Campus writer! 
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor