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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

So you walk up to a group of friends and find them in a heated debate, tossing around words like “healthcare” and “foreign policy” and listing off facts and stats like you’re in an Econ class. You’re trying to back out of there unseen when they turn to you and ask which candidate you’re rooting for in the 2016 presidential election. You’re caught off guard and mumble something like, “I don’t know…I’ll have to ask my parents.” Cue the crickets and the crushing feeling of inadequacy.

Look, I get it. Being an adult is hard enough—school, job, volunteering, social life; who has time to watch the news? To make life easier on those who are overwhelmed by the constant stream of ultra-confusing politics, here is a quick rundown of a few of the candidates who are making headlines right now.


Democratic Party:

Hillary Clinton

Former U.S Secretary of State

Wife of former U.S President Bill Clinton         

Stance on Popular issues—

            Marriage Equality: Yes

            Pro-Choice: Yes, keep abortion “Safe, Legal, and Rare”

            Feminist: Yes

            Climate Change: Develop clean, renewable energy

            Affordable Care Act: Yes

Education: Refinance student loans (lower interest rates) and make college more affordable. Clinton supports President Obama’s proposal for two years of free community college.


Bernie Sanders

U.S Senator from Vermont

Served in the House of Representatives for 16 years

Stance on Popular issues—

            Marriage Equality: Yes

Pro-Choice: Yes, decision made by the woman, not the government. Sanders emphasizes prevention, sex education, and accessibility of contraception.

            Feminist: Yes

Climate Change: Corporations pay for their carbon emissions, introduce legislation to combat climate change

            Affordable Care Act: Yes

Education: Proposed legislation to Congress: 1. Free tuition at public colleges and universities; refinance loans for those with student debt

2. Government stops profiting off of middle class and working families


Republican Party:

Donald Trump


Stance on Popular issues—

Marriage Equality: No, marriage is between a man and a woman and should be defined by the state

Pro-Choice: Abortion should be limited, and late abortions only in cases of rape, incest, or threat to mother’s health

Feminist: No

Climate Change: It’s a hoax

Affordable Care Act: No

Education: Cut the U.S Department of Education “way, way, way down”


Jeb Bush

Two-term Governor of Florida

Stance on Popular Issues—

Marriage Equality: Bush believes marriage is between a man and a woman, but Bush called for people to “respect” same-sex marriages after Florida allowed gay couples to marry.

Pro Choice: Ban most abortions after 20 weeks, with exception for cases of rape, incest, or threat to mother’s health

Feminist: No

Climate Change: Real concern, but it’s unclear how much is caused by humans

Affordable Care Act: No

Education: Supports common core and No Child Left Behind



Jill Stein—Green Party Candidate



Stance on Popular Issues—

            Marriage Equality: Yes

Pro-Choice: Yes, Stein strongly favors the right to choose and easy access to reproductive healthcare and sex education.

            Feminist: Yes, supports transgender rights

            Climate Change: Climate crisis is real; job creation is a possible solution

            Affordable Care Act: No, Medicare is a better solution and should be expanded.

Education: Bail out students instead of bailing out banks and make public higher education free


Of course, this is a limited view of only a few of the candidates, but it’s a start. If there’s a candidate that’s got your attention, check out their official website, watch interviews, and keep up-to-date with their Twitter feed. Keep in mind that candidates need all the support they can get, so if there’s one you’d like to see get the nomination, get involved and spread the word.

Can’t decide? Check out presidential-candidates.insidegov.com to learn more about your favorites, compare candidates, and more.

Madison Adams is a feminist, a tea enthusiast, a friend to the animals, and a lover of words. Mostly, though, she's a young woman who's still trying to figure things out. 
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor