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Leave the Shame Behind: Top 4 Tips on Being Alone.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Do you ever feel panicked when no one is available to do lunch? How about wanting to see a movie that no one else does? I used to be that exact way until I realized how much fun it is to do things alone. That’s not a joke. Being alone is super rad. Don’t agree with me? Check out my top 4 pieces of advice to become comfortable being alone.


Leaving the house alone.

I find the most challenging part of this is getting started. Usually all my anxiety about going places alone is showing up alone. Nobody wants to walk into a party by yourself. It feels strange and somewhat shameful. As if I couldn’t anyone who would want to go with me. It takes a lot of mental strength to get over that boundary but once you do there is nothing holding you back.

No one cares about you.

Now I don’t mean this is a derogatory way. This usually brings me comfort because when you’re alone you feel as though everyone is staring at you because all your attention is on yourself so obviously everyone else’s is too. Wrong. You are not that special. People may glance at you, and then continue on their way. No one is thinking “Man, who’s that loner who has no friends?”. You are a mere blip on their radar and they will not remember you in a few hours.

Travel light.

I recently watched this Ted Talk that a woman gave encouraging women to travel alone. She didn’t literally mean you have to pack lightly but instead to leave your shame at home. Leave all the anxiety and nervousness that comes with doing unknown things. You have yourself, the best companion out there, to stand with you.

Eating alone is really fun.

The only time I struggled with eating alone was in high school. There the ridicule was very real. But now in college I’ve never had a problem with it! It’s super easy to sit down with something you enjoy and eat while doing it. I typically watch Netflix whenever I eat, that way I’m not looking around seeing if anyone is watching me. I actually don’t notice other people. On multiple occasions I have been spooked by friends coming over to say hi because I’m too engrossed with myself.  

So go out with freedom! You never have to be tied down again!

Proud owner of a Hulu Plus account, Netflix, and HBO Go with none in my name. 
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor