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The Law of Attraction: When the Good Things Come Unexpectedly

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Have you ever realized that life has a way of throwing you things you want most when you least expect them? Or even better when you receive something that you didn’t even know you wanted at all? We have a way as humans to hope for the things that we don’t have and in many cases, they have a way of coming into our lives when we aren’t paying attention to the events happening. We hope to attract good jobs, great love, and a healthy lifestyle. It’s devastating wanting something so badly and not receiving it but beauty can often come from the wait. Life is all about timing; the energy we put out when we want something typically tends to be one of need.

 “If you are desperate to have something, you are in a state of need. Thus, you remain needy instead of becoming successful. The universe receives your needy energy, and politely sends you more needy energy, since it is programmed to deliver your primary focus,” Katherine Hurst writes for the Law of Attraction. “If you want to make attraction work for you, focus on your intentions. Nonetheless, recognize that you also need to throw the energy of want that you have created to the wind. When you have done so, good things will blow into your life.”

I understand that life is hard and it feels incomplete much of the time. Now more than ever is a time for growth and it’s normal to find ourselves wanting more. It’s okay to seek love, job opportunities, and healthy relationships; but if you’re in a place in your life where you feel like the universe isn’t reciprocating your energy,  maybe it’s time to redirect that energy elsewhere. Unexpected people and experiences are what make life the exciting adventure that it is.

Think back to the best times in your life and tell me that everything turned out exactly how you expected it would. Of course that’s not what happened! Life would be so ordinarily boring if we knew how things would turn out. Go to school, get a job, begin a successful career, and have a family. All the right steps to a path of happiness, am I right? Of course not. Life is for living, falling in love, falling out of love, traveling to new places, experiencing new foods and cultures, making mistakes, and overall creating your own path. Who cares if all your friends are getting married and having babies? Your time will come to achieve great things so you might as well enjoy the ride while it lasts.

Much of our time is spent comparing our life to others; it’s in our human nature and especially the American society, to be in constant competition with each other. Everybody wants to be the best of the best at everything. However, everyone’s path is different and your journey will never be the exact same as somebody else’s. Everything comes in its own time including pain and happiness. Life isn’t always butterflies and rainbows and sometimes it’s just down right awful. But that too, has a purpose. Take advantage of the opportunities that come your way, even the ones that seem insignificant and try to remember that some of the best moments in your life haven’t happened yet. More than anything, be patient! For things to work out, for the storm to settle, and for the beauty of waiting to finally reveal its purpose. 

Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor