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Lance Hacket

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Cute. Sweet. Bright. All-around good guy. Lance loves to sing. In fact he sings in the institute singers choir. He enjoys listening to Reggae and piano music. Some of his favorite artists are Kaitlyn Rosenblum and New Radicals.

In his spare time he enjoys planning tennis, boating, hiking and watching football. He’s a graduate of Olympus High School, he served a two year mission for the LDS church, and his favorite quote is: The best exercise for the heart is to reach down and help someone up. You can find him hanging out in the Institute.

Lexi Jones is a senior with a double major in journalism and anthropology at the University of Utah. Born and raised in Salt Lake City, she loves exploring the outdoors, rock climbing, music, and writing. She is currently a museum aid for the Bureau of Land Management. She has interned with LDS Living magazine as a writer, the Utah Museum of Natural History in the anthropology lab, and the National Society of Leadership and Success as a founding chapter president. Her inspirations are Mark Twain and Paulo Coelho. Lexi aspires to be a freelancer for National Geographic. Always pursuing multiple passions, she is currently applying to graduate school for a Masters in archaeology and a Juris doctorate, and yes, she does plan to enroll in both at the same time.