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For the Insecure Girl…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

 “If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.”-George Orwell

Keeping your personal truths hidden from others and most importantly, yourself, is a well-hidden and protected secret and a tool for denial because accepting flaws is the hardest part when compensation can so easily be the answer. No one actually wants to admit insecurity, it can feel as though you are being weak or vulnerable, however, to be insecure is not a weakness or a flaw, but rather a trait you should recognize and embrace. Despite the pressured idea of confidence and its many perks, how easy is it to really be confident and overcome those “petty insecurities”? Confidence is hard to recognize within yourself and easy to fake because sure, confidence is key, and it may be what other people see and appreciate, but insecurities don’t go away over night.

I often feel as though I am the only person to struggle with my various insecurities. I have always been embarrassed by my self doubt, but the only thing I can do is accept it and tell myself that it’s okay–because it is! After living with 15 other girls and finding friends for life that I share everything with, I have discerned that each of us struggle with some form of insecurity and to admit it is something no one wants to face. No matter how perfect you may view someone else to be, there is a good chance that they have the same struggles as you do and can conceal it just as well. It is true what people say; we’re not alone, but that still doesn’t make it any easier.

Whether it is negativity in regards to your body, your choices, your family or even yourself at some moments, most of us still put on a smile or straight face to cope and portray to society that you are no different than anyone else. Coping mechanisms are in our nature, and we each have our own ways of dealing with what internal feelings or struggles we choose to pretend don’t exist. Whether it is making mistakes with boys, doing things you aren’t comfortable with, or even overworking yourself in school or at your job, each of us has been in a similar situation, but it can be hard to realize until you can take a step back and ask yourself why you feel how you do and how you can fix it.

 To feel comfortable enough to show your feelings to anyone, or even to let out your inner mental conflicts that those around you can’t read on by your body language is hard, but important. To accept yourself, have positive thoughts, and try to find a balance in your life that makes you happy is one of the first steps to overcoming insecurities. As easy as it is to write and talk about, taking action is the hardest part.

If you’ve struggled to feel like yourself, or even to know who you are on any given day just know, you aren’t the only one. Each of us has our own insecurities, but those don’t define who you are, because we are all beautiful, kind, smart, unique and appreciated in our own way and no one can take that from you, but you.


Notorious foodie and optimist, hoping to cook for a living and experience a vast cultural variety. Business student, Netflix ethusiast, and avid day dreamer, just trying to make it through college and fulfill my potential. 
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor