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The Importance of Loving All Your Sisters

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

I am a proud sorority girl. In high school, I never thought in a million years I would join a sorority, but here I am. Not only am I proud, but I’m obsessed. I love everything about my house and my sisters. What drew me to them, and to joining a sorority, was the amazing friendships the girls had, and the support they offered each other. That is probably the sole reason I was willing to leave my no-sorority zone, and join what has been one of the best parts of my freshman year.



Not only do I love my house, I love so many girls in other houses. Two of my roommates are in the same sorority, and several other friends are in different houses. The idea that “no matter the letter, we’re all greek together” really struck a chord with me. Why shouldn’t I be friends with them if we have the same values and get along well? It doesn’t matter if they’re a Chi O, Kappa, or Pi Phi like me.


It’s not a secret, though, that sometimes sororities will bash on other houses. Of course we all think we’re the best house and we’re going to share that with anyone who will listen! However, that starts to turn into a problem when it loses the light-hearted fun and turns into something meaner, and geared towards degrading girls.

It breaks my heart whenever I hear things like, “those girls are all sluts,” “well that house is totally irrelevant,” or “she has STD’s because she’s in -” no matter who it is directed towards. Most of the time, the people saying these things don’t even know the girls they’re hurting. Just spouting off something harmful they think will make them look better. But let’s be real, it doesn’t make them look better. It hurts others and reveals the kind of person they truly are.


Not only does spreading rumours reveal character, it degrades someone you should be trying to empower. It’s 2016 and gender equality is still an issue. When women use words like “slut” and “whore”, it only makes it acceptable for everyone to use them; and bringing down your peers brings you down with them. We should all be committed to standing up all our sisters no matter what.


Think of how it would feel to randomly hear someone attacking you or your house for what seems like no reason. You never did anything to them, why are they making such a snap judgement? Think of this the next time you start to say something rude and remind yourself of how it would feel to be in that situation. I know it’s cheesy but seriously remember that we’re sisters, bonded through the greek community. Sure, we’re in different houses but that doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate each other. A little love never hurt anyone.

California native transplanted in Utah.I love sushi and hate seafood. I understand I'm strange, let's just accept it and move on.
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor