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The Importance of Caring Enough

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Everyone has opinions, and most people are not shy about sharing those opinions via social media. Whether it is on Facebook or Twitter or any other platform, there are countless posts about people talking about how big of an animal lover they are or how important the environment is to them. Everyone is more than willing to let you know that they care about this topic or that problem, but too often that Facebook post or tweet is as far as most people will go. I am not saying that people are apathetic by any means. I truly believe that people think these issues are important, but I don’t think most people care enough to actually do anything about it.

People believe that just speaking out against things is enough, but the reality is that while talking about things is undeniably a good start, nothing will change without action. We need to make real movement towards making a difference and that requires us to actually do something. We can’t just sit and whine about all the problems of the world and wait for some superhero to save us from ourselves. As cliché as it might sound, and as tired as you may be of hearing about this, we have to be willing to get are hands dirty and do the hard work. Because the truth of the matter is, if we don’t change the way we think about saving the world, nothing will get better. These changes don’t have to huge or life altering; we can all make the world a better place to live just by doing simple things that will add up over time. Depending on what issues you are passionate about, you can do little things that can make a big difference.

For example if you are passionate about the environment even just recycling or learning about ways you can help combat climate change where you life can have amazing impacts. If you love animals volunteer at your local animal shelter. I promise you that the animals and shelter workers will be very grateful for your time. Even donating clothes and toys to less fortunate can change the lives of people you have never even met. These are not new ideas by any stretch of the imagination, but I do think that we forget that there are so many little things out there that we can do for other people and the world. It is great to have opinions, but I encourage you do go beyond that. I encourage you to not just care about something but to care enough to do something about it. Especially with the holiday season coming up there is no shortage of ways to help make the world a little bit better of a place to live.


Do you love animals? Volunteer at Best Friends Animal Shelter: http://utah.bestfriends.org/?_ga=1.76440470.288459534.1447039804


Want to help the homeless? Visit the SLC Rescue mission: http://rescuesaltlake.org


Want to learn more about how to help the environment? Visit this website http://www.fastweb.com/student-life/articles/eight-simple-ways-to-help-the-environment



Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor