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I’m Not Watching Season 26 of The Bachelor

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

I love a juicy reality television show as much as any college-aged girl. I spent years watching The Bachelor on Monday nights with my friends or my mom, anticipating which girl was next to go and playing favorites with the contestants. And I won’t lie, I had tons of fun watching and keeping up to date on social media with the latest #bachelornation drama. But after two seasons of unsatisfying endings, I’m calling it quits. I will not be watching Season 26 of The Bachelor.

It started with Pilot Pete in season 24. After 12 long episodes full of drama and despair, the bachelor, Peter Weber, proposed to southern belle Hannah Ann Sluss. Oh, but not for long! During a live post-season special, Weber revealed he had broken off the engagement to Hannah due to having unsure feelings. According to US Weekly, Peter’s unresolved feelings for runner-up Madison Prewett is what ended his engagement.

As an avid Bachelor fan, I felt betrayed. I stayed dedicated all season just to have it end unfinished. Peter’s indecisiveness left the season with a gaping hole and disappointing outcome for the audience. The show preaches finding true love, but Weber had emotional and physical connections with so many women that he simply failed at finding his one and only — that was until Kelley Flanagan stole his heart months after the season ended.

Bachelor contestant Kelley Flanagan was one of the 30 women vying to be Peter’s lucky woman in season 24. After Peter let her go during the 7th week of the show, Kelley was off my radar, and I moved on to supporting the other contestants. After season 24, my social media feed saw less and less of the season 24 Bachelor cast, but before I knew it, they were back!

In April 2020 Kelley and Pete announced their relationship had rekindled and they were dating. I was so surprised, but looking back, I’m not sure why. Is it really that surprising that it took three women and a whole season of reality television before the bachelor made a decision? But by December 2020 Peter and Kelley had broken up, and they have officially left my mind.

According to Women’s Health Magazine, “Out of 25 seasons of The Bachelor and 17 seasons of The Bachelorette, there are only 14 couples still standing.”

That means 33% of bachelors and bachelorettes actually find love on the show. These odds are the reason I will not be watching the upcoming season of The Bachelor. I’m tired of being strung along with the promise of true love, just for the season to end with a disappointment and a single bachelor.

Of course, if you’re watching for the drama, I’m sure season 26 will be full of it, but if you’re watching for love…you might want reconsider.

Tyler is a second-year student at the University of Utah studying Health and Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences. She loves spending time at the lake, reading romance novels, listening to podcasts, and her two Australian Shepherd's.