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The HC Utah Guide to Activities on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Feel like you never know what’s happening on campus? Do you want to get involved but keep thinking: “Where would I even start?” Well no worries! Her Campus is plugged into campus news and we definitely know a thing or two about fun ways to be a part of the college experience here at the “U”!

Do you remember smelling the scent of delicious hot chocolate making your mouth totally water from a mile away? How about that table right outside of the Union with the nice people handing out fliers and Luna bars? 

If all those questions are making your brain go “ring-a-ding-ding” then you know that intramural sports registration is back! Spring is a time for new life: new clothes, new classes, why not try a couple new activities?

Sports not your thing, though? Not a problem. They welcome all types of people, whether you have names for all your tennis trophies or don’t know the difference between a touchdown and a home run. They also offer all sorts of classes and sports like ping-pong, belly dancing, cycling, water-polo, baseball, fencing…just to name a few!

Intramural sports are a great way to spend time with people who share your interests, stay healthy, and make new friends! With a positive attitude and dedication you can have a blast!


So what are you waiting for?! Get to it ladies and gents! The deadline to register for any of the sports or classes is Wednesday, March 6th! Go out there and have fun!