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Crimson Nights Review: Crimson Coast

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Crimson Nights: The largest bi-semester themed all-inclusive 9pm- 2am campus party that EVERYONE on the Univerity of Utah’s campus knows about. 

I distinctly remember my first Crimson Nights – I was a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed Freshman who was stoked about going to a “real” college party. I wasn’t disappointed. Between the free pizza, the mosh pit, and the lack of adult supervision, my first “college party” became one of my favorite memories at the University of Utah, and it would be correct to say that it is a favorite memory for many other students as well. Whether you’re a vivacious freshman looking for your first college experience, or a seasoned senior wanting something fun to do for the weekend, Crimson Nights provides a way for every type of individual on this campus to become more integrated into the University of Utah’s culture, and participate in a parties they’ll remember for years.   


This past weekend, the Union Programming Council held its first Crimson Nights of the academic year. Complete with tiki-torches, a tiki bar, and leis, it was appropriately entitled “Crimson Coast.”  What most people don’t know is that Crimson Nights is planned completely by UPC, and, more specifically, the Crimson Nights Board on UPC. That’s right, there’s a whole board dedicated to programming these events in order to enhance the college experience. They plan months in advance to ensure each Crimson Nights is as successful as it can be, set up for the event, and clean up after – yes, they do the cleaning up at 3 AM. Major props.

 I was able to interview the Crimson Nights Board Director, Lynze Schoenbrunn, about the planning details that went into this past Crimson Night, and what we can expect for future Crimson Nights.

1. How did you come up with the idea for Crimson Coast?

We wanted to choose a theme that was fitting for this time of year. It is easy for people dress up in beach attire because college students already have it in their closets. As far as the name in general, the Crimson Nights board sat down together and just bounced names around until one person said “Crimson Coast” and we all agreed that was a very fitting name for our event!

2. How far in advance did you plan for Crimson Coast?

We started planning this Crimson Nights about 3 months ago.

3. What goes into planning Crimson Nights?

It’s not easy planning an event for so many students, because not every student wants the same thing. Planning Crimson Nights requires us to think outside the box, and get really creative with what we do. Planning a large scale event also requires a solid team with good communication skills and lots of motivation to plan the BIGGEST LATE NIGHT PARTY ON CAMPUS.

4. What is the best part of Crimson Nights in your opinion?

I really like seeing all of our students gather in one spot having a great time, whether they are having a blast on the slip n’ slide, or out on the dance floor.

5. What do we have to look forward to this upcoming year with future Crimson Nights?

You can look forward to our annual Halloween themed Crimson Nights in October, as well as seeing bigger and better activities at every Crimson Nights this year. We want people to come not only for the best DJ’s, but for the good food, cool prizes, and best activities (all FREE with your uCard).

If you missed Crimson Coast, no need to stress! The Halloween-themed Crimson Nights is right around the corner on October 21st! See you there!

(All photos provided courtesy of the Union Programming Council)

Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor