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Catherine Jensen

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Miss Catherine Jensen is 31 years old from Marysville, Ohio and a Spanish Associate Instructor here at the U. Catherine just graduated this past May with her Master’s in Spanish Language Pedagogy and loves her teaching experience so far here at the University of Utah. So when Her Campus caught up with Catherine she was more than happy to share her take on Valentine’s Day and put a Latin twist on it.

HC: Well Catherine, since you have studied and experienced both Hispanic and American culture, what can you say about the two and how Valentine’s Day is viewed?

Catherine: Oh there is definitely a difference! I lived in Panama for 15 months and saw how Valentine’s Day was celebrated there and I can say that it is a very American holiday and that this “day of love” is really played up.

HC: That’s interesting, especially since you have first-hand experience of celebrating V-Day in two separate countries. What does a typical Valentine’s Day look like for Panama and the Hispanic culture?

Catherine: Generally speaking, the Hispanic culture is very warm and loving. They are a very open culture and like showing affection. Many Hispanic cultures give cards to all those they care about in their life, not just those they have romantic feelings for. In Panama, I noticed many people giving cards as well small gifts to those important people in their life.

HC: Wow, that seems like an interesting concept of showing love to all those loved ones instead of just a “significant other”. Having said that, how do you approach Valentine’s Day now that you have had two different experiences of it?

Catherine: It’s tricky because I do believe America has commercialized this holiday so much but at the same time I totally buy into it! I don’t go crazy and try to find “a special someone” or my soul mate but I make an effort to give cards to my sister and family and show love to those around me.

HC: Very nice, so it’s okay to be single this Valentine’s Day?

Catherine: (giggles)…. It’s okay to be single on any Valentine’s Day because it’s not the only love out there. There’s romantic love, sure, but also love for friends, family, and life. Adding to that you shouldn’t wait until Valentine’s Day to show love to those you care about, show love every day!

HC: Great, thanks for that insight Catherine; Her Campus appreciates you sharing your views. Any last thoughts?

Catherine: Oh no problem, just remember you don’t have to have someone tell you you are great to know you are great, enjoy your life and iFeliz dia de San Valentino! (Happy Valentine’s Day!)