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8 Women in STEM TikTokers to Check Out

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Let’s be real, I spend a lot of my time on TikTok, as most people do. Aside from the super popular creators everyone follows, I like to find people whose pages I can relate to. Especially while trying to get through the semester, I need some inspiration. If you haven’t found it already, I’d like to welcome you to STEM TikTok. If you’re looking for women in STEM that can provide you with some help, a laugh, or a glimpse into your future, I compiled a list of a variety of ladies in STEM majors that you can check out. Plus, since most of them are smaller content creators, it’s very possible that they’ll respond to your questions and comments!

Libby B (@libbybonthelabel) — Mechanical Engineering

Libby B graduated in December 2020 from Miami University in Ohio with a degree in mechanical engineering. She now works in industry full time. I first came across her TikTok when she posted one about her everyday outfits for on-and-off sites. She’s very girly and cute and it seems like she resembles me and my experience in engineering. Her TikToks are all very helpful and comforting for any women in STEM. She was one of my fastest follows for sure!

Alexis Williams (@lelegenevieve)  Computer Science

The first line in Alexis’s bio is “Robot @ NYU.” She is studying computer science at NYU and is also on the cheer team. She has a great mix of content on her account and talks a lot about the struggles of being a woman in CS as well as a POC. If you’re looking for someone to describe how you feel about working with difficult men in engineering, Alexis will sum it up perfectly!

Ariel Daniel (@arie.loo) — Science, Physics, and Astrophysics

Ariel has a B.S in Physics and Astrophysics from Northern Arizona University, and she’s currently pursuing a PhD! All of her content is educational information about topics such as star clusters, the sun, constellations, planets, etc. If you like learning new things about specific topics in space, check out Ariel’s page!

Photo by Josh Rangel on Unsplash

Leen (@engineerleen) — Civil Engineering

Leen is best known for the viral TikTok of her pulling up to a construction site in her Porsche (you know the one.) She graduated in civil engineering from Florida State and now works in industry. She also sports a pink hard hat, which I love! She gets a lot of awful comments from guys, but she always turns them into hilarious lessons. Look no further if you need a smart and confident gal to inspire you.

Cate (@rocktocate) — Science, Geology

It’s not often that geology is represented on STEM TikTok, so Cate’s account is quite unique and refreshing. Since her Instagram isn’t linked, I couldn’t find much about her prior education, but she describes herself as a “groovy geology educator.” I think minerals are cool since that’s a subject I don’t hear much about, so I like learning more from her videos! She also discusses topics such as crystals, geologic conspiracy theories, rock formations, and she answers questions in her comments. On her Linktree account, she has free geology resources, so check those out if you’re interested in learning more about geology!

Kendra Nelson (@intertidalkendy)  Science, Marine Biology

If you enjoy fun ocean facts, go watch Kendra! She is a marine biologist that works for PNW Protectors Conservation, which is right near my home in Washington. It is great to see her helping out my home waters! Most of her content is answering questions and discussing various topics, but she also shares a lot of ways we can help. Additionally, she has several fascinating videos of sea creatures!

Jackie Brenner (@jbrennerfisics)  Science, Chemistry or Biology

Jackie has periodic table sweatpants — need I say more? Her videos are all biology/chemistry/physics comedy. She’s made a lot of recent videos doing the “how things would walk” trend, including a biology version and a physics version. If you enjoy funny science jokes, go follow her!

Jess (@lifeofms_m) — Math

Jess is a grad student, high school teacher, and career coach. She makes great math content, much of which is helpful in so many ways! On her page, you’ll find a variety of videos, from math help to educational jokes to tips and advice for studying math. I’m glad that the subject is getting recognition through her!

Since we all spend so much time on TikTok, we might as well make it a fun and inspirational way to learn something new. I’m glad I came across these acounts for myself and other women in STEM. These ladies are super knowledgeable in their subjects, so if you’re also in their field of study or just wanting to watch, check them out!

I'm Anna and I am in the Chemical Engineering program at the U! I'm from Seattle, WA and came to Utah for school. Other organizations I am part of are ASUU, AIChE, SWE, the Utah Freeskier Society, and I'm a host at Porcupine!
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor