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7 Ways To Have a Better Second Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

It’s a new year, a new you, and everyone has begun their New Years Resolutions to work out, stop drinking, eat healthier, etc. Fall semester is as fun and wild as it gets, it’s hard to beat tailgating for Utah football games and Halloween parties. Spring semester, however, is the cold time of the year to wear yoga pants for 4 straight days and reevaluate everything you did wrong the previous semester. The holidays are over and you are counting down the days when the sun will emerge and school will be out again. Here are some tips for all the collegiettes’ who want their classes and overall life to go a lot smoother this semester than last:

1. Don’t Procrastinate

We all do this and if you say you don’t, you are probably lying or one of the last endangered college students on this earth. You already know what it feels like to wait until the last moment to turn in an assignment, so why not make a goal to do better this semester and start things early!?

2. Don’t Party Too Much

College can be as fun as you make it. Party and have a good time, but the key is to find a balance in your life! If you’re going to drink every night of the weekend, be sure to find time to do your homework during the day. Be warned, you might also find yourself hungover every morning. Basically, if you want to play hard then you have to work just as hard.

3. Don’t Invest in People Who Don’t Invest In You

This goes for everyone in your life that underappreciates you. Stop wasting time on boys, relationships, and friendships that aren’t helping you grow as a person. I know, it’s easier said than done, but what better time to start than at the beginning of a new year? Always surround yourself with positive people that will build you up.

4. Don’t Go To Class Hung over

Just don’t do it. You will hate your life. But if you do, props to you because that is hard work.

5. Get To Know Your Professors 

This can seem like an annoying thing to do, but it’s super beneficial in the long run. Professors are important allies to have on your side in times of need. They will write you letters of recommendation and be more understanding if you have shown interest and previously introduced yourself in person.

6. Step Outside Of Your Comfort Zone 

This is hard for many people sometimes, including me. But often you can find yourself meeting cool people and creating new experiences when you step outside of your comfort zone. It’s normal to feel vulnerable when you put yourself out there, or you try something new, but that’s what inevitably makes you, YOU. These experiences are the ones that mold you into the person you will become.

7. Don’t Take Life So Seriously

Overall, have fun! Yes, it’s freezing outside and you probably have 3 papers all due in the same weekend, but life is beautiful and we are blessed to live in state where there is tons to do outside! So go to school and make your resolutions if you want to, but don’t take life too seriously because nobody gets out alive anyways. 

Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor