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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

 A huge part of the college experience is living with a roommate at some point. Whether you share a room or a general living space, you can learn a lot about yourself by living with a roommate. Not to mention all you learn about said roommate. Below is a list of the most relatable results we all experience from living with another person for an extended period of time.

1.      You adopt each other’s habits, the good AND the bad.Every person has little tendencies or habits of their own, and these habits become very evident when sharing a living space with another person. Pretty soon, you will begin to notice that your roommates habits have become your own and vice versa. You might start out the year neat and tidy, while her/him is comfortably messy. Well don’t fret, their comfort in the chaos will soon become your own. And while you might adapt to being a little less tidy, they’re going to adopt some of your tidy habits, allowing you to reach the perfect happy medium.

2.      You talk like each other.Whether you like it or not, after about a month of living together you’re going to have the moment where you realize what you’re saying sounds exactly like her/him. Every weird saying, stupid catch phrase, and even inflection of voice becomes yours.Without doubt, you’re going to have the same moment talking to her/him when you suddenly realize they sound exactly like you. You two may not be the same person, but when you speak, you might as well be.

3.      You can speak without words.After you’ve started speaking like one another. you’re going to progress to the point where you don’t even need words. You know exactly what her/him is saying with just a single look. Whether it’s the look they give you when a certain someone walks into the room, the dead pan stare they give you when you snooze your alarm for the fourth time, or the random spurts of unplanned harmonized whistling, communication is constant and does not require speech. Being without them becomes a struggle as you have no one to communicate what you are thinking without actually having to say it out loud.

4.      You’re lonely when they’re not home.It doesn’t matter how independent you are, or how much you enjoy your time to yourself, when your roommate leaves, you’re going to be lonely. Should you find yourself sitting on your bed staring at their empty bed in depressed boredom, don’t worry. It’s normal. And yes, it is normal to become so excited when they return home that you attack them with a violent hug and exuberant yelling.

5.      You know everything about each other.There is no such thing as personal space anymore. From every relationship detail to every personal health issue, they know it all, even if you don’t want them to. And you wouldn’t have it any other way. Your roommate becomes your biggest support system. In other words, you’re going to have a walking, talking, advice giving diary. And yes, you yourself will transform into their diary as well.

6.      You get a best friend for life.Even if you fight all the time and can’t stand each other when you’re actually living together, you know that no matter where you are in life you will always have a friend in them. You’ve been through a lot together, and you’ll always accept each other for who you are. You’ve seen the best and the worst in each other, and you’ll always have each other’s back. Once a roomie, always a roomie.

So if you’re considering living with a roommate for an extended period of time, go for it! Odds are you’re going to come out of the experience with new life skills, and a new best friend!

Shaela Adams: is really just in love with the Earth. And peanut butter. And naps.
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor