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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Winter Break is just around the corner and we could not be more excited to see all the adventures that Utes are going to go on.  Before every one jets off, however, make sure to check out these five travelling tips to make sure you are as prepared and as efficient as possible. 

Make a list of all of things you need to pack before the day of.

If you are anything like me, you procrastinate packing until the last possible minute…even if that means the morning of your flight or road trip.  Procrastinating in general is bad for so many reasons, however, in this case is particularly bad because it means you might forget something for your trip!  Making a list a couple days before lets you continue to think about things you need and add them, as you get closer to the trip.  If you are unsure what to put on the list, don’t worry, Google to the rescue!  They are packing lists all over the Internet for every different kind of trip.  Bonus to this tip is if you keep the list when it is time to pack up your things on the trip you can make sure you aren’t leaving anything in the hotel or the place you are staying.

Say goodbye to hotels and hello to Airbnb!

Airbnb is a website that has short term housing listings in over 30,000 cities in 190 countries.  This is a great way to go instead of a hotel because it can be way cheaper, generally you get your own room, and you get more of a locals feel to the city.  While at first it can be sketchy or seem weird to stay in someone’s house, every location does have ratings from previous “customers” and it has raving reviews online. 

Use public transportation!

While Uber is the next big thing and definitely something to take advantage of, public transportation should not be forgotten about, especially in big cities like DC, NYC, Seattle, Portland and Chicago.  It is super cheap and another good way to get to know the city like the locals and really get the vibe of the city. 

Do your research for activities!

This is especially important if you are travelling to somewhere new or a big city.  Researching your activities will save you money and ensure that you are going to the best places possible for your interests.  Expedia, yelp and other travel websites have top 25 attractions if you are into the more touristy stuff but if not, checking out people’s personal blogs can be good resources.  Once you have a good idea of what you want to do, make sure to check out sites like City Pass where they offer attractions as bundle deals and you can save tons of money while doing a lot.  Another good way to save is checking to see if places have student discounts!

Keep a Journal.

College is a special time in your life, one you do not want to forget, especially when you have an unusual amount of time off for you to travel and enjoy life.  Keeping a journal is an excellent way to remember these times and use them for inspiration during the next round of finals or when you just need to think of happier times.  It is also great for realizing how much you are really doing, keeping track of it for the next time or suggestions for friends, and being grateful for your trip! 

There you have it, collegiettes. We hope everyone has a safe and adventurous winter break! 

Hi! I'm Madison Keyser and am a student at the University of Utah.  I am a sophomore double majoring in Economics and Spanish hoping to go to Law School someday.  I am an Alpha Chi Omega, love to play lacrosse and do anything outside.  I am so excited to be a Her Campus writer! 
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor