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10 Thoughts Everyone Has During Swinter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Yes, Utah weather is a little bi-polar. Now that Groundhog Day has come and gone we are just waiting for the flowers to bloom and the sun to shine. Except, oh, the sun is shining it’s just going to rain, hail, snow and blizzard in a few hours, also. I’m sure all of us have had the following thoughts while living through Swinter. 

1. How is the weather forecast snow on Wednesday, and a high of 70 on Thursday?

These can’t be normal weather patterns, either global warming is really acting up or the world is coming to an end.


2. Wow I missed warm weather, but it was 40 degrees before class and now I’m sweating to death in my coat.

Alright who’s been reporting the weather, shouldn’t I have been warned about this?

3. Okay another warm day, maybe I’ll wear shorts or a skirt?

I actually remembered to check the weather today, I’m so on top of things.

4. And I just realized I haven’t shaved in weeks, but I’m already out. Great.

Maybe I’m not as on top of it as I thought. Well, here are my legs, world. I’m sorry.


5. Okay, today I will remember to shave my legs.

Nobody’s legs have ever been this smooth in the history of legs.

6. Was my skin this dry all winter?

I swear I don’t have to use this much lotion in the Summer…

7. Maybe I’ll even wear sandals!

And remember to get a pedicure in the near future, yikes.

8. I never want this warm weather to leave.

I couldn’t possibly be expected to go to class when it’s this nice out, right?

9. No, tell me it’s not about to rain.

Start pleading with the weather gods to let you keep the warmth, because you know what’s coming.

10. Oh, nope this is snow. And I’m outside, in flip flops.

Maybe if I just ignore the cold, I won’t feel it.

Anyone who lives in a town where there’s a fifth season called Swinter understands all of these feelings. The only advice I can give you, is check the weather report every day, and leave back up clothing in your car. Or maybe just pray that Mother Nature doesn’t decide to make it snow while you’re out tanning.

Hey! I'm Carmen and I'm a second semester freshman at the University of Utah. I'm originally from Virginia, I absolutely love to travel, and I'm a huge sports fan. I'm also majoring in Graphic Design and minoring in Business!
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor