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10 Stages of Being Single on Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

We’ve all had those times in our lives when it seems like we’re the only person in the world who isn’t in a relationship. And of course, there’s the dreaded day, dedicated to reminding us of how single we really are. If you’re lucky, you have some other single friends to join you in celebrating your freedom. But if you’re not, you could be spending the day scrolling through pictures of couples kissing and giant teddy bears, rolling your eyes in disgust, even though you know if it was you in that picture or on the receiving end of that teddy bear, you wouldn’t be totally opposed to it. While at the time you might feel all alone, and thinking “Nobody has ever been this single, ever.” Trust me when I say, we’ve all been there.





1. I am the only person, out of 7 billion people, that is spending Valentines day alone. 





No one has ever been as single as I am right this second. 





2. Trying to convince yourself that you don’t need someone. I can have a good time by myself!




There’s nothing that I could do with a date that I couldnt do just as easily by myself.





3. Maybe I can fill the loneliness with pizza and junk food.





Finishing an entire pan of brownies and a large pizza never felt so good. Everyone knows that chocolate fills the cracks of the heart.




4. Maybe just one drink…





And by one drink, I mean on bottle. I’ve never had a problem that wine couldn’t fix. Wine is always the answer,




5. Thinking you’ll just take yourself out on a date and then realizing how much of a mistake that decision would be when you’re surrounded by nothing but tables for two.




On second thought, why get all dressed up to go eat when I can eat right here, on my couch, and in sweatpants?




6. Then you realize the quick fix: Just call a friend!

Which brings you right back to realization that you are, again, the only single being on the planet.



Which brings you right back to realization that you are, again, the only single being on the planet.




7. How about a few more drinks instead.



Vodka is basically the same thing as wine, right?





8. That one friend who’s in a relationship, and they wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day.




And you have to act like you don’t want to punch them in the face and sob uncontrollably.




9. Then you start to realize how much time and effort a relationship really takes.





Not to mention how much money you would’ve had to spend on a new outfit, makeup, gifts…



10. And realize that you’re awesome! You don’t need someone to buy you chocolates and flowers to know that.



Hey! I'm Carmen and I'm a second semester freshman at the University of Utah. I'm originally from Virginia, I absolutely love to travel, and I'm a huge sports fan. I'm also majoring in Graphic Design and minoring in Business!
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor