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10 Reasons Long-Term Relationships Are Actually the Best

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

I’ve been seeing a ton of articles lately flaunting the idea that being single is “in.” These articles usually touch on the idea that if you are independent and in charge of your life, you have to be single. I am here to squash that notion. I’ve been in a relationship for over 2 years and it has taught me more about myself than I would have ever guessed. This article is here to explain why being in a long-term relationship is actually the best and why you should have no shame in sharing your love with the world.

1.  You have a cuddle buddy

One of the greatest things about being in a relationship is always having a cuddle buddy. It’s raining outside? Time to cuddle. You had a long day? How about a nice cuddle. You’re a little chilly? Why use a blanket when you can just cuddle? Having someone there to always cradle you in their arms is definitely something to savor.


2.  You have someone to call after a long day

Whether your day was good or bad, having someone there who you always feel comfortable calling is a great feeling. Your significant other is someone who genuinely wants to know how your day went. They’ll be there to listen when no one else is.


3.  They spoil you

Maybe your bae constantly cooks you dinner or takes you out to movies. Your relationship is filled with constant reminders of the love you share through the smallest of gestures. Big gifts like a pair of earrings or small gifts like your favorite snack alike are a constant reminder through your relationship how much you are loved.


4.  You can be yourself

Is there anything better than being at a point in your relationship where you feel completely at ease? Where you can burp and laugh at your own corny jokes without fear of embarrassing yourself? When you’re in a relationship, you can be yourself at all times and not worry if they’ll think you’re weird. Chances are, they already know how odd you can be and they love every bit of it.  


5.  You’re confident in each other’s affection

Possibly better than being able to be yourself around someone is knowing exactly how they feel. There is nothing worse than the beginning of a relationship. Neither person wants to admit their feelings first, so they’re stuck in a gray area where neither says anything. In a long-term relationship, you can throw the word love around like confetti! Tell them “I love you” when they wake up, when they’re brushing their teeth, when they trip up the stairs. You’re never confused as to how the other person is feeling because you know and are constantly reminded of their love for you. 


6. You don’t care about your looks

When you’re in love with someone, you love exactly who they are as they are. You can go makeup-less, hair in a greasy pony-tail, and wear sweat pants three sizes too big and your significant other will still think you’re beautiful. 


7.  You always have someone to hang out with

Some days you just want to relax. You want to lie in bed, eat popcorn and watch movies. These types of days are so much better spent when you’re in a long-term relationship. Days of Netflix are much better when you’re next to your love. Even if you aren’t talking, you always have a constant companion.


8. They’re your party partner

People think long-term relationships can get boring, but man are they wrong. When you’re in a long-term relationship, parties become even more fun. You always have someone to dance and drink with, and if someone tries to give you unwanted attention, your significant other is there to ward them off.  Plus, you always know you have someone to go home with at the end of the night.


9.  You still have freedom

When you’re in a long-term relationship, trust is usually there. You spend so much time together that it is nice when you decide to go have a girl’s night out or spend some time with a family member. These types of activities are welcome when you’re in a committed and trusting long-term relationship. 



10. They love and care for you

The greatest part of being in a relationship is always having someone there for you. They listen to you, care about you, and unconditionally love you. They are your person, and it is likely you’re at the top of their priority list, too.

Remind yourself these 10 reasons why your relationship is awesome the next time someone ridicules you for not being single.


I have a deep love for mermaids, pitbulls, swearing, and all things involving food.  Shania Twain is my spirit animal and I'm a converted Belieber.
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor