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‘Love is Calling’ at the Tampa Museum of art

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

This past weekend my lovely friend Dani and took a trip Downtown to check out a highly anticipated art exhibition at the Tampa Museum of Art. We thought it would be a great way to get off campus, chit chat and see something new and creative.

The exhibits will run from August 26th, 2018 until March 17th, 2019, so you have plenty of time to get tickets and check it out for yourself.

Season of Love…

Is the fall 2018 installation at the Tampa Museum of art. Local college students (like us) get free entrance and access to exclusives presentations, such as the exhibition.

Before you step into the room you’re asked to wait in line by a large wall with a short bio on Kusama. There’s also an audio/visual that plays an excerpt from her documentary Kusama – Infinity. 

An Immersive Experience IG influencer will LOVE!

You step into Yayoi Kusama’s infinity room, full of beautifully colored paper lanterns and her voice as she recites a love poem she’s written. Although the experience was short we couldn’t help but appreciate the experience and meaning behind her work (and how she views art as therapeutic). Having been hashtagged more than 300,000 times, it goes without a doubt that Instagram users love Kusama’s work. 

Erasing ourselves. In an article for Independent, writer, Clarisse Loughrey, explains the definition behind the art and what posing in front of it really means, “Kusama’s Infinity Mirror Rooms exist to enact what she calls “self-obliteration”, where the rooms’ sense of infinite duplication makes us feel engulfed by our surroundings. And, when we photograph ourselves in one of her rooms, then post the image online, we are publicly erasing ourselves.” 

If you’re in the Tampa Bay area, I definitely suggest going down to check it out for yourself. For more info visit http://tampamuseum.org/exhibition/about-season-of-love/

*** All photos in this article were taken by Dani! (love you bud) ***

Emely is a rising junior at The University of Tampa. She studies advertising and PR with a focusing on digital marketing. When she isn't bumping to J Cole, Drake or Aventura she's reading up on anything astrological, or editing photos for her food IG. As a New York City native, she loves exploring the cities micro-neighborhoods for their cuisine, music, and fashion. If you want to know more about Emely, follow her on Instagram - @aemiliatertia - or Twitter - @ThatEmely