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Campus Cutie: Ashley Reichel

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Name: Ashley Reichel

Year: Senior

Hometown: Boonville, MO 

Major: Criminology

Age: 21

How are you involved on campus? 

Alpha Chi Omega, Red Flag/SASS, Office Assistant at the Office of Student Conduct and Orientation, Omicron Delta Kappa Honor Society

Who is your celebrity crush?

 Chris Pratt, Chris Hemsworth, or Chris Evans

Where is your favorite place to eat in Tampa? 

Cheesecake Factory

What is your biggest turnoff? 


If you could be on any TV show, what would it be and why?

The Walking Dead because zombies

What is one thing you can’t live without?


What is your guilty pleasure?

 Target shooting

Who is your role model and why? 

My daddy because he has no fear; he travels all over the world and loves to experience new things.

Describe your ideal guy/girl? 

Tall, honest, caring, intelligent, adventurous, and has an awesome sense of humor

What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

Cliff jumping

Single or nah? 


What is your dream job?

 To work for the Federal Government

What quote do you live by? 

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”

I'm a senior Journalism major and Communications minor at the University of Tampa. Born and raised in New Jersey, I naturally gravitated to the sunshine state. Career goal: magazine writer/editor. I'm the campus cutie/celeb editor for Her Campus at my school. Besides that, I'm obsessed with anything Disney and enjoy working out at the gym, going to yoga, shopping, watching movies and going out with friends, as well as long walks on the beach. Some of my guilty pleasures include anything peanut butter, pina coladas, the Lion King movie, Jacuzzis, and tattoos. Fun fact: I still can't swim.
Hi, I'm Chanel. I'm a Sophomore at the University of Tampa with a major in Public Health. I laugh at horror movies, don't understand romantic movies, and cry during documentaries. I am vegetarian, but I will make an exception for pepperoni pizza rolls because the plain cheese are just plan disgusting. I dream of owning a cuddly pet chicken and a tiny home. Hm... I also enjoy torturing myself by spending an hour and half in a 105 degree room to practice Bikram Yoga. That is all.