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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Well, it’s time to get back in the swing of things here at UT! We’re back at school, away from home, and in our classes—hopefully. With the new semester back, we run into people we haven’t seen since before break. We go through the niceties but, man oh man, does it get repetitive. Just like every other semester, this one has come with a barrage of questions that you’ll be sure to hear within the first few weeks back.


How are you?!?


This one comes all year around, but people seem to put extra energy into it within the first few weeks. Long and drawn out, it’s often followed by something along the lines of “I missed you” or a hug. It’s usually someone who genuinely wants to know. Maybe it’s just me, but all of the excitement people put into these greetings gets tiring.


How ya doin’?


This one isn’t really that bad, except when people don’t really want the answer. It’s curt, to the point, and barely can be considered a question. You run into a familiar face walking in the opposite direction. He or she greets you by saying, “Hi, how you doin’?” However, they keep walking without hearing your reply. You completely understand people being busy but wonder what the point of asking is. It’s quite fine to leave the conversation at “Hello.”


Happy New Year!


Okay, I know, it’s not a question, but don’t say it’s just me that thinks it’s too far into the year to keep saying this. I know we haven’t seen each other since it has become the New Year; however, it’s almost February. It’s time to hop onto a new greeting. If you must stay with a holiday, there is Groundhog Day on February 2nd, Valentine’s Day on February 14th, and President’s Day on February 15th.

Side Note: This doesn’t count if you are talking about the Chinese New Year, which is on February 8th.


How was your break?


It feels like an obligatory thing to ask, but it gets tiring to answer over and over. Not to mention, your answer gradually gets smaller and smaller. I end up wanting to just mess with people.

“Hey! How was your break?”

“What do you mean? There was a break? I’ve been here studying! Why did no one tell me I could leave?!?”


How’s your semester so far?


Well, it’s just over two weeks into it, so I can’t tell you with certainty. However, I believe I can safely say there will be a solid amount of break downs. Let’s just say, most of us are already tired of classes.


Are you glad to be back?


Yes. There doesn’t need to be more explanation. Just yes.          


Vic is a sophomore Writing Major and Professional and Technical Writing Minor at University of Tampa.
Hi, I'm Chanel. I'm a Sophomore at the University of Tampa with a major in Public Health. I laugh at horror movies, don't understand romantic movies, and cry during documentaries. I am vegetarian, but I will make an exception for pepperoni pizza rolls because the plain cheese are just plan disgusting. I dream of owning a cuddly pet chicken and a tiny home. Hm... I also enjoy torturing myself by spending an hour and half in a 105 degree room to practice Bikram Yoga. That is all.