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White After Labor Day: Fashion Faux Pas?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

I think we have all heard the fashion rule that you can’t wear white after Labor Day, right? Well I absolutely HATE this rule! I recently bought the cutest pair of white skinny jeans but it is just way to hot out to wear them right now, and I want to know why I can’t wear them during the winter months when the temperature starts to drop? I think a question so many women have, is what pieces in your closet are off limits? I understand not wearing my lacy white sundress, but is a white jacket or t-shirt forbidden too?

Now that Labor Day has come and gone, I want to list a couple rules on how to wear white if you are brave like me and disregard the belief that white after Labor Day is a no-no.

1. Never wear an all white outfit. I think that speaks for itself because all white can just be too much!

2. If you have to question it, I say better safe than sorry! Save that questionable white for the spring and summer when you know you’re safe.

3. Try to transition your white: pair your favorite white pants with neutral fall colors like brown, deep reds, and even black.

4. If you are really nervous, go for off-white or cream. Those shades of white are considered more acceptable for the fall and winter seasons.

5. Avoid white shoes; those seem to be on everyone’s list as a big fashion mistake.

Ladies, this mysterious debate on white after Labor Day will probably never be solved, but my biggest suggestion is to wear what makes you comfortable! If you’re like me and choose to wear white no matter what time of year it is, I say go for it! As long as you look confident and happy, you will totally rock any color.

Tell us what you think about white after Labor Day in the comments section! Do you put your whites away for the fall and winter months?

Photo credit:
Cover photo- http://hobokengirl.com/6-ways-ill-be-wearing-white-after-labor-day/
In-text photo- Emily Gruss

Emily is a senior at USFSP studying English Literature. She has been with Her Campus for one year and one month, and loves all the friends she has made by joining. Her hobbies include reading, spending time with friends, baking, and catching up on her favorite television shows. Her favorite thing about Her Campus is the ability to write about things that are relevant to girls her own age, as well as covering fun campus events. She looks forward to her last semesters of under graduate study and Her Campus USFSP.