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USFSP Career Center!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.


Have you been to the USFSP Career Center yet? Located in Terrace 200, the Career Center can help you create a professional resume, locate and apply for internships, help with your search for a professional job and more! To go to the Career Center, you don’t even need an appointment; you just have to check online for their daily hours, as they can change from semester to semester. I recently went to the Career Center to get help with my resume in order to apply for an internship. Going into the meeting, I was slightly embarrassed because my resume was in complete shambles; I still had references from high school on there!


I got helped right away, and they had tons of handouts and informational material that I could take home to help guide me beyond our meeting. We sliced and diced my resume until it looked ready to go and upon leaving I felt far more comfortable submitting my resume to possible future employers. I was able to take it home, out the finishing touches on it, and when I left they offered to review a final draft if I wanted more help. I found the Career Center to be a valuable resource as a student looking to begin putting my toes into the professional world. Everyone was nice, helpful, and very informative; I would highly recommend stopping by with any questions pertaining to resumes, internships, or other professional issues!


To view the Career Center’s current hours, follow the link provided.






Photo Credit: http://theblazerusfsp.wordpress.com/category/career-exploration/

Emily is a senior at USFSP studying English Literature. She has been with Her Campus for one year and one month, and loves all the friends she has made by joining. Her hobbies include reading, spending time with friends, baking, and catching up on her favorite television shows. Her favorite thing about Her Campus is the ability to write about things that are relevant to girls her own age, as well as covering fun campus events. She looks forward to her last semesters of under graduate study and Her Campus USFSP.